

美音:[pru:f ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[pru:f ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.证据,试验,考验,[印刷]校样 adj.不能透入的,证明用的,防...的,有耐力的 vt.检验,校对,使不被穿透


proof为短语/超纲词汇   词频:2750


名词:proofer 动词过去式:proofed 过去分词:proofed 现在分词:proofing 第三人称单数:proofs


prob,prov=to test,to try(试),to examine(检查;考试)

近义词, 同义词


/pru:f; pruf/ n
1 [C, U] (piece of) evidence that shows, or helps to show, that sth is true or is a fact 证据; 证物; 证言
*What proofs have you that the statement is correct? 你有什么证据可以证明这种说法是正确的呢?
* Have you any proof that you are the owner of the car? 你有证据证明这汽车是属于你的吗?
* written proof 书面证明
* documentary proof of his ownership of the land 证明他领有该地的文件.
2 [U] testing of whether sth is true or a fact; demonstration or proving 验证; 证明; 证实
*Is the claim capable of proof? 这要求能证明是合理的吗?
3 [U] standard of strength in distilled alcoholic liquors on a scale in which proof spirit is 100% (酒的)标准酒精度
*The liquor is 80% proof. 这种酒为标准度数的80%.
* The rum is 30% below proof. 朗姆酒低于标准度数30%.
4 (a) [C esp pl 尤作复数] trial copy of printed material produced so that corrections may be made 校样
*check/correct/read the proofs of a book 校对[修改/审阅]某书的校样
* pass the proofs for press, ie approve them, so that printing may begin 同意清样付印
* galley-/page-proofs 长条[分页]校样
* [attrib 作定语] a proof copy 校样稿.
(b) [C] trial print of a photograph 照相样片
*proofs of the wedding photos 结婚照的样片.
(c) [U] stage in book production when proofs have been made
*I read the book in proof. 我审阅了这书的样稿.
5 [C] (mathematics 数) sequence of steps or statements that shows the truth of a proposition 验算; 验证
*the proof of a theorem, ie in geometry (几何)定理的证明.
6 (idm 习语) be living proof of sth => living. the proof of the `pudding (is in the `eating) (saying 谚) the real value of sb/sth can be judged only from practical experience and not from appearance or theory 布丁好不好, 吃了才知道(评价人或事物只能凭 实际体验不能凭表象或理论)
*The new machine is supposed to be the solution to all our production problems, but the proof of the pudding is in the eating. 新机器按说能够解决我们生产上的一切问题, 然而能否做到这一点还有待于实践的检验. put sb/sth to the `proof/`test test sb/sth; test the truth of sth 考验某人[某事物]; 对某事物的真实性加以检验
*Let's put his theory to the proof. 让我们来检验一下他的说法吧.
* The crisis put his courage and skill to the test. 这次危难是对他的勇气和技能的考验.

/pru:f; pruf/
1 [attrib 作定语] ~ against sth
(a) providing protection against sth 可防某事物的; 有防护作用的
*The shelter was proof against the bitter weather. 这个棚子可以避寒.
(b) that can resist sth 能抵御某事物的
*proof against temptation 能抵制诱惑的.
2 (in compounds 用以构成复合词) that can resist sth or protect against sth specified 抗...的; 防...的; 耐...的
*,leak-proof `batteries 防漏电池
* Are these batteries `leak-proof? 这些电池能防止漏电吗?
* ,bullet-proof `glass
* a ,sound-proof `room
* ,waterproof `clothing.

v [Tn] (fml 文) treat (sth) in order to make it proof against sth (esp fabric in order to make it waterproof) 对(某物)进行处理使具有耐防某事物之特性; (尤指)对(织物)作防水处理.
1. But Drew wasn't done. In 1930, he created a see-through, water-proof (防水的), cellophane (薄膜) adhesive (胶粘剂).

2. We have abundant proof of his guilt.

3. When registering as a new voter, take along your diploma as proof of literacy.

4. They police allege that the man was murdered but they have given no proof.

5. The radioactive material is stored in a special radiation-proof container.

6. There is positive proof that he did it.

7. The receipt is your proof of purchase.

8. This proof was supplied by Ronald Ross, a British army physician working in India in the 1880s.

9. He wrote: "Never shall I forget Monsieur Bonpland´s magnanimous devotion, a devotion of which he offered such ample proof on the Orinoco on April 6th, 1800."

10. However, King´s theory was thought unconvincing by many people as it was based upon reasoning, not experimental proof.
