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property为短语/超纲词汇   词频:610


形容词:propertyless 名词复数:properties


proper,propri=proper(适当的),one's own(自己的)

近义词, 同义词



/'prɒpətɪ; `prɑpɚtɪ/
1 [U] thing or things owned; possession
(s) 所有物; 财产; 资产
*Don't touch those tools they are not your property. 不要动那些工具--那不是你的东西.
* The jewels were her personal property. 这些首饰是她的私人财产.
2 (a) [U] land and buildings; real estate 房地产; 不动产
*a man/woman of property, ie one who owns property 有房地产的男人[女人]
* She invested her money in property. 她进行房地产投资.
* [attrib 作定语] property development, management,speculation 房地产开发、管理、投机.
(b) [C] (fml 文) piece of land and its buildings (一处)房地产
*He has a property in the West Country. 他在英格兰西南部有一处房地产.
* A fence divides the two properties. 有一道栅栏隔着这两处房地产.
3 [U] (fml 文) owning or being owned; ownership 所有; 所有权
*Property brings duties and responsibilities. 有了财产也就有了义务和责任.4 [C esp pl 尤作复数] (fml 文) special quality or characteristic of a substance, etc (物质等的)特性, 性质
*Certain plants have medicinal (ie healing) properties. 某些植物具有药物效用.
* the soothing properties of an ointment 一种油膏的止痛性能
* Paraffin has the property of dissolving grease. 石蜡具有溶解油脂的特性.
5 [C usu pl 通常作复数] (also infml 口语作 prop) (on a stage or a film set) movable object, eg a piece of furniture or a costume, used in a performance (舞台上或电影布景中)表演用的可移动物件(道具或服装)
*She was responsible for buying the properties for the television series. 她负责采购电视系列片所用的道具.
6 (idm 习语) public property => public.


[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French;Origin: propreté, from Latin proprietas, from proprius; PROPER]
the thing or things that someone owns
 The hotel is not responsible for any loss or damage to guests' personal property .
 Some of the stolen property was found in Mason's house.
[U and C]
a building, a piece of land, or both together
 Property prices have shot up recently.
 the property market
 a sign saying ' Private Property . Keep Out'
 property taxes
commercial/residential property
[C usually plural]
a quality or power that a substance, plant etc has
= quality, characteristic characteristic
 a herb with healing properties
physical/chemical etc properties
 the chemical properties of a substance
lost property, real property, intellectual property
1. They possess property all over the world.

2. The stakes marked his property.

3. The laws are based either on "community property" (split evenly) or on "reasonable distribution" (whatever a judge thinks is "fair").

4. He always came down on anyone damaging public property.

5. He is the legitimate heir to the property.

6. And there are others who say their suspicions were aroused over time, as the 55-year-old Mr. Williams, who appeared on weekends turned out in fine suits, bought up property after property, providing such a large injection of cash into the village tha

7. Also, to prevent property damage, architects now design buildings so that the building's columns and horizontal beams are of equal strength, and vertical support columns are inserted deep into solid soil.

8. Yes,my father passed away last week; I inherited his property.
    是的, 我父亲上个星期过世, 我继承了他的财产.

9. Your letters are your private property.

10. Yes,my father passed away last week; I inherited his property.
    是的, 我父亲上个星期过世, 我继承了他的财产.
