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proud为中学词汇   词频:2575


名词:proudness 副词:proudly 形容词比较级:prouder 最高级:proudest

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/praʊd; praud/
adj (-er, -est)
1 (approv 褒)
(a) ~ (of sb/sth); ~ (to do sth/that...) feeling or showing justifiable pride (1a) 感到得意的; 自豪的; 荣耀的
*proud of her new car 为她的新车而颇觉得意
* His proud parents congratulated him. 他的父母感到光彩向他表示祝贺.
* They were proud of their success/of being so successful. 他们为自己的成功[为取得了这样的成功]而骄傲.
* They were proud to belong/that they belonged to such a fine team. 他们为属于[为自己属于]这么好的一个队而自豪.
* She is a remarkable person I am proud (ie honoured) to know her. 她是位杰出人物--认识她我感到很荣幸.
* (ironic 反语) I hope you feel proud of yourself you've ruined the game! 你可真露脸了--你把比赛搅得一塌糊涂!
* the proud owners of a new house 得意洋洋的新宅主人.
(b) having or showing self-respect, dignity or independence 有自尊心的; 自尊的; 自主的
*They were poor but proud. 他们虽然穷, 但很有骨气.
* He had been too proud to ask for help. 他自尊心太强, 从不求助于人.
* They are a proud and independent people. 他们是独立自主的民族.
(c) causing justifiable pride (1a) 值得自豪的; 足以夸耀的; 引以为荣的
*It was a proud day for us when we won the trophy. 我们夺得奖杯那一天是值得我们骄傲的日子.
* The portrait was his proudest possession. 那肖像是他最为珍贵的东西.
2 (derog 贬) self-important; haughty or arrogant 骄傲自大的; 自负的; 傲慢的
*He was too proud to join in our fun. 他很高傲, 不屑同我们一起玩儿.
* He is too proud now to be seen with his former friends. 他现在忘乎所以了, 觉得跟以前的朋友在一起有失他的脸面.
3 (fml 文) imposing or splendid 壮观的; 辉煌的
*soldiers in proud array 雄赳赳的列队士兵.
4 ~ of sth jutting out from or extending above sth 凸出于某物之上的; 自某物上隆起的
*be, rise, stand proud of sth 自某物上隆起
* The cement should stand proud of the surface and then be smoothed down later. 施用水泥时应先高出于表面然後再将其抹平.
5 (idm 习语) (as) ,proud as a `peacock extremely proud 骄傲如孔雀(极骄傲).

adv (idm 习语) do sb `proud (infml 口) treat sb with great honour or hospitality; entertain sb lavishly 使某人受到隆重礼遇; 盛情款待某人
*The college did us proud at the centenary dinner. 院方在一百周年校庆设宴款待我们.


adj comparativeproudersuperlativeproudest
2 proudest moment/achievement/possession
3【too high opinion】
4【great self-respect】
5 do somebody proud
[Date: 1100-1200; Language: Old French;Origin: prod, prud, prou 'good, brave', from Late Latin prode 'advantage, advantageous', from Latin prodesse 'to be advantageous']
feeling pleased about something that you have done or something that you own, or about someone or something you are involved with or related to
ashamedproud of
 Her parents are very proud of her.
 You should be proud of yourself.
 His past record is certainly something to be proud of .
be justly/rightly proud of sth
(=have good reasons for being proud)
 The company is justly proud of its achievements.
proud to do/be sth
 Seven-year-old Ian is proud to have earned his red belt in karate.
proud (that)
 She was proud that the magazine had agreed to publish one of her stories.
 Seth was the proud owner of a new sports car.
proudest moment/achievement/possession
the moment etc that makes you feel most proud
 His proudest moment was winning the European Cup final.
thinking that you are more important, skilful etc than you really are - used to show disapproval
 a proud man who would not admit his mistakes
having respect for yourself, so that you are embarrassed to ask for help when you are in a difficult situation
 Some farmers were too proud to ask for government help.
do sb proud
a)informal to make people feel proud of you by doing something well
 I tried to do my country proud.
b)old-fashioned to treat someone well by providing them with good food or entertainment
literary tall and impressive
WORD CHOICE: proud, arrogant, conceited, big-headed, vain
Proud is a fairly general word used to say that someone is pleased with themselves, pleased with what they have achieved, or pleased with something or someone connected with them such as their school or their family : His proud parents watched the presentation. | I'm very proud of my students. |She was proud to be in the team.
Proud is usually neither approving nor disapproving, although you can say someone is too proud , meaning that they will not admit they are wrong or need help.
Arrogant is a disapproving word meaning that someone thinks they are better than other people : He was so arrogant he thought he could not possibly lose. | the arrogant way she dismisses my opinions
Conceited and big-headed are disapproving words meaning that someone thinks they or their achievements are better than they really are. Conceited is fairly formal and big-headed is informal.
Vain is a disapproving word meaning that someone thinks they are very special, especially because they are very proud of the way they look.

1. We are very proud of him.

2. We´re so proud of you.

3. The only person I know who has a skeleton in the cupboard is George Carlton, and he is very proud of the fact.

4. He was proud of his impeccable good manners.

5. He felt proud of being a member of the nobility.

6. However, Canada and the United States are very proud of theirs.

7. Are you proud of your deed?

8. And she smiled with a proud and simple joy.

9. Any mother would be proud to have him for a son-in-law.

10. She was proud of her stalwant, good-looking grandson .
