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pursuit为短语/超纲词汇   词频:4067


sequ,secut,su=to follow(跟随)

近义词, 同义词


/pə'sju:t; [US] -'su:t; pɚ`sut/
n (fml 文)
1 [U] ~ of sth action of pursuing (pursue 2) sth 追求; 寻求; 从事; 进行
*The pursuit of profit was the main reason for the changes. 作出这些改变主要是为了追求利润.
* She devoted her life to the pursuit of pleasure. 她一生都在寻求享乐.
2 [C usu pl 通常作复数] thing to which one gives one's time, energy, etc; occupation or activity 花时间、精力等做的事; 职业
*artistic, literary, scientific pursuits 艺术的、文学的、科学的研究
* be engaged in/devote oneself to worthwhile pursuits 从事[献身于]有意义的活动.
3 (idm 习语) in pursuit (of sb/sth) with the aim of catching sb/sth 追捕某人[某物]
*thirty grown men in pursuit of a single fox 追猎一只狐狸的三十名成年男子. in pursuit of sth with the aim of obtaining sth 追求某事物
*people travelling about the country in pursuit of work 到全国各地寻找工作的人们. in (hot) pur`suit pursuing (closely and with determination) 穷追不舍
*a fox with the hounds in hot pursuit 被猎犬穷追的狐狸.


[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French;Origin: poursuite, from poursuir; PURSUE]
when someone tries to get, achieve, or find something in a determined way
persuepursuit of
 the pursuit of liberty and happiness
 the pursuit of war criminals
in (the) pursuit of sth
 People are having to move to other areas in pursuit of work.
when someone chases or follows someone else
pursuein pursuit
 There were four police cars in pursuit.
 The quarterback sprinted toward the end zone with Jansen in hot pursuit (=following closely behind) .
[C usually plural]formal
an activity such as a sport or hobby, which you spend a lot of time doing
 pursuits such as swimming and tennis