
rabbit hutch



rabbit hutch为短语/超纲词汇
1. The magician conjured a rabbit out of his hat.

2. The fierce rat is tussling with a grown rabbit.

3. The rabbit is gnawing at the fence.

4. There were hopes, however, that the problem of the rabbit would become manageable.
    然而人们还是希望, 兔子的问题会有办法解决.

5. They found the traces of a rabbit on the snow.

6. This rabbit had no natural enemies in the Antipodes, so that it multiplied with that promiscuous abandon characteristic of rabbits.

7. There were hopes, however, that the problem of the rabbit would become manageable.

8. Scientists discovered that this particular variety of rabbit was susceptible to a fatal virus disease, myxomatosis.
    科学家们发现, 这种特殊品质的兔子易患一种叫做"多发性粘液瘤"的致命病毒性疾病.

9. Scientists discovered that this particular variety of rabbit (and apparently no other animal) was susceptible to a fatal virus disease, myxomatosis.

10. Capture the fleeting. A good idea is like a rabbit. It runs by so fast, sometimes you see only its ears or tail.
