

美音:[reık ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[reık ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.耙子,斜度,向船尾的倾斜,放荡者 v.搜索,掠过,用耙子耙,(使)倾斜




名词:raker 动词过去式:raked 过去分词:raked 现在分词:raking 第三人称单数:rakes

近义词, 同义词

draw  pull  haul  lug  rake  drag  tug  tow  trail  train  take in tow  wrench  jerk  twitch  yanklibertine  rake  debauchee  seducer  fornicator  lecher  adulterer  Don Juan    


/reɪk; rek/
1 (a) long-handled tool with a row of prongs at the end for drawing together fallen leaves, smoothing soil, etc 耙子.
(b) similar mechanical farm tool on wheels, usu for gathering hay, etc 耙机(有轮, 通常用以收集乾草等).
2 similar implement, used eg by a croupier for drawing in money at a gambling table 钱耙(赌桌主持人收取钱用的).

1 [I, Tn, Cn.a] use a rake on (sth); level (sth) with a rake 用耙子耙(某物); 用耙子耙平(某物)
*I was busy raking. 我在忙着用耙子干活.
* rake the soil (smooth), eg before planting seeds 把地耙平(如在播种以前).
2 [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (out) remove ashes from (a fire, kiln, etc) 将灰从(炉、 等)里耙出来.
3 [Tn] fire a gun at or point a camera, telescope, etc at (sth) while moving it from one side to the other (用枪、照相机、望远镜等)扫射, 扫拍, 扫视(某物)
*rake the enemy lines with machine-gun fire 用机枪扫射敌人的防线
* The bird-watcher raked the trees with his binoculars. 观察野鸟的人用双筒望远镜扫视树木.
4 (idm 习语) rake over old `ashes revive (usu unpleasant) memories of the past 回想起(通常指不愉快的)往事.
5 (phr v) rake about/around (for sth) search carefully 仔细搜寻
*We raked around in the files, but couldn't find the letter. 我们翻遍了文件夹, 怎么也找不到那封信. rake sth/it in (infml 口) earn a lot of (money, etc) 挣大量的(钱等)
*raking in the profits 挣得大量利润
* She gets tips as well as her wages, so she's really raking it in. 她又领工资又收小费, 真赚了不少钱. rake sth together, up, etc move sth together, up, etc with a rake 用耙把某物耙在一起、耙成一堆等
*rake together dead leaves (into a heap) 把枯叶耙到一起(聚成一堆)
* rake hay up 把乾草耙成一堆
* rake the cut grass off the lawn 把刈下的草耙出草坪. rake sb/sth together/up (infml 口) collect (people or things) with difficulty 费力地凑集(人或物)
*We need to rake up two more players to form a team. 我们需要物色两名队员才能凑成一个队.
* I couldn't rake together enough money for a new bike. 我凑不够买一辆新自行车的钱. rake sth up (infml 口) remind people of (sth that it would be better to forget) 使人回想起(最好不再想起的事)
*rake up old quarrels, grievances, etc 重新提起旧日的争吵事、冤情等
* Don't rake up the past. 别再提那些往事了.

/reɪk; rek/
n (dated 旧) man, esp a rich and fashionable one, who lives a wild immoral life 过放荡生活的男子(尤指时髦的富人); 浪子.

/reɪk; rek/
n [sing]
(a) backward slope, eg of a ship's mast or funnel or of a driver's seat 後倾(如船的桅杆或烟囱或司机座椅等的).
(b) downward slope of a stage in a theatre, ie towards the audience (剧院舞台的)前倾(即向观众一方倾斜).

v [I, Tn] be or place (sth) at a sloping angle 倾斜; 使(某物)倾斜
*The stage rakes steeply. 这舞台坡度很大.
* The seat back is raked for extra comfort. 这椅背向後倾斜更加舒适.
1. A rake is used on a lawn to collect leaves and dead grass.
