

美音:[´reıtıŋ ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´reıtıŋ ]点这儿播放单词英音发声


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/'reɪtɪŋ; `retɪŋ/
1 (a) [C, U] classification or ranking of sb/sth according to quality, etc (人或事物按品质、特性等划分的)等级, 级别
*a high/low popularity, credibility, etc rating 受欢迎、信用等程度高的[低的]
* The critics' rating of the film was low. 评论电影的人对这部影片评价很低.
* give medical research a high-priority rating 把医学研究置于高度优先的地位.
(b) [C often pl 常作复数] (in the media) popularity of a programme, record, etc, as measured by the number of viewers, buyers, etc (传播媒介)(根据观众、购买者等的人数得出的节目、唱片等的)收视率, 收听率, 普及率
*Our show has gone up in the ratings. 我们节目的收视率提高了.
* Blue Funk's new hit has had good ratings in the charts. 布鲁·芬克新灌录的唱片在流行音乐最畅销的每周目录上排名很高.
2 [C, U] (Brit) (calculation of the) amount payable as a local rate1(4) 房地产税徵收额(的计算)
*a rating of 60p in the pound 按财产估价每英镑60便士的房地产税徵收额.
3 [C] status of a person or business with regard to financial responsibility and trustworthiness (个人或公司在财务上的)信誉, 信用程度
*have/enjoy a high credit rating 信贷方面信誉良好.
4 (esp Brit) (in the navy) non-commissioned sailor (海军)士兵
*officers and ratings 海军官兵.


a level on a scale that shows how good, important, popular etc someone or something is
 By the end of the year the Prime Minister's approval rating (=how many people agreed with his policies) had fallen as low as 12 percent.
credit rating
the ratings
a list that shows which films, television programmes etc are the most popular
 CBS will end the series if it continues to drop in the ratings.
a letter that shows whether or not a film is suitable for children
 'The Godfather' had an X-rating when it was first shown.
a sailor in the navy who is not an officer