
reading glasses

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reading glasses为短语/超纲词汇
1. But he´s not reading his newspaper tonight.

2. Bonpland set up one of the electrometers to measure the electric discharge, but there was no reading.

3. But soon his laughter faded, and later he told me he was astonished that my reading was so " accurate" .

4. While my friend, George, was reading in bed, two thieves climbed into his kitchen.
    我的朋友乔治正在床上看书时. 两个贼爬进了他的厨房.

5. We enjoy reading about them, especially when we find that, like the praying mantis, they lead perfectly horrible lives.

6. While my friend, George, was reading in bed, two thieves climbed into his kitchen.

7. Which glasses?

8. When he finishes, the entire reading, writing, and math patterns he needs to know are impressed right on his brain.

9. The asterisk after "Reduced to $ 1.95" refers to a footnote reading "Today only."

10. The blacksmith was there reading the notice.
