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ready为中学词汇   词频:995


名词:readiness 形容词比较级:readier 最高级:readiest 动词过去式:readied 过去分词:readied 现在分词:readying 第三人称单数:readies

近义词, 同义词


fit  prepared  set  tardy  unprepared    


/'redɪ; `rɛdɪ/
adj (-ier, -iest)
1 [pred 作表语] ~ (for sth/to do sth)
(a) in a fit state for immediate use or action; fully prepared or completed 准备好
*get ready for a journey 准备旅行
* I've got my overalls on, so I'm ready to start work. 我已经穿上了长罩衣, 准备开始工作了.
* Your dinner is ready. 你的饭已经准备好了.
* Ready, steady, go! ie said at the start of a race. 各就各位, 预备, 跑!
* `Shall we go?' `I'm ready when you are!' `咱们走吗?'`我准备好了, 就等你了!'
(b) (of a person) resolved to do sth; willing and eager (指人)决心做某事的, 愿意并急欲采取行动的
*He's always ready to help his friends. 他总是乐于帮助朋友.
* Don't be so ready to find fault. 不要动不动就挑毛病.
* The troops were ready for anything. 部队已做好了一切准备.
2 [pred 作表语] ~ to do sth on the point of doing sth; about to do sth 即将做某事; 正要做某事
*She looked ready to collapse at any minute. 她看样子随时都可能垮下来.
3 (a) [attrib 作定语] quick and facile; prompt 敏捷的; 立刻行动的
*have a ready wit, mind, tongue 头脑机敏、脑子快、口齿伶俐
* a ready answer to the question 对问题的随口而出的回答
* a ready solution to the problem 对问题的当场解决.
(b) [pred 作表语] ~ with sth (of a person) quick to give sth (指人)敏于某事物
*be too ready with excuses, criticisms, etc 很会找藉口、挑毛病等.
4 within reach; easily available 在可及范围内; 容易得到
*Keep your dictionary ready (to hand) at all times. 把词典时时 放在手边.
* This account provides you with a ready source of income. 这个户头为你提供了一个现成的收入来源.
* There's a ready market for antiques, ie Buyers are easily found for them. 古董的销路很好(很容易找到买主).
5 (idm 习语) make ready (for sth) prepare 做好准备
*make ready for the Queen's visit 为女王莅临做好准备. ,ready and `waiting fully prepared and available for a particular task, activity, etc 做好充分准备以执行某任务、进行某活动等. rough and ready => rough.

1 the ready [sing] (also readies [pl]) (infml 口) available money; cash 现款; 现金
*not have enough of the ready 现金不足.
2 (idm 习语) at the `ready
(a) (of a rifle) in the position for aiming and firing (指步枪)瞄准目标准备射击.
(b) ready for immediate action or use 准备立即行动; 随时可用
*reserve troops held at the ready 准备投入战斗的预备役部队
* He had his camera at the ready. 他把照相机准备好, 可随时拍摄.

adv (used before a past participle 用于过去分词之前) beforehand; already 预先; 已经
*ready cooked, mixed, etc 预先做熟的、混合好的等.

v (pt, pp -died) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb/sth (for sth) make sb/sth ready; prepare sb/sth 使某人[某事物]做好准备
*ships readied for battle 作好战斗准备的舰艇.


Kevin F. McCready (January 30, 1957-December 5, 2004) was a clinical psychologist in Fresno, California.
1. For it is then almost ready to undertake heavy work and can begin to earn its keep straight away.

2. Without these inviting signs, others will most likely stay away from you and look for someone who appears to be ready for contact.

3. Tom: Is dinner ready, Peggy?
    汤姆: 佩吉, 饭好了吗?

4. The squadron is ready for duty.

5. The Greens´ wireless telephone is ready for a call.

6. Then, her composure regained, she was ready to set off with the porter´s assistance to search for any intruders who might still be lurking in her flat.

7. They were getting things ready for this year´s tree-planting.

8. The iron — I mean the soup — was ready about five. Why?"

9. This society, he explained, would consist of trained volunteers who would always be ready to travel to the scene of any war that might break out.

10. Today the work goes on, for at any moment disaster may strike somewhere, and the Red Cross must be ready to journey to the ends of the earth, if necessary, and bring relief.
