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reminder为短语/超纲词汇   词频:4883


ment=to think(想),mind(心智)

近义词, 同义词


1 thing which reminds sb of a fact or person 使某人回想起某事或某人的事物; 帮助记忆或起提醒作用的东西
*The statue is a lasting reminder of Churchill's greatness. 这尊塑像使人永远缅怀邱吉尔的伟大功绩.
2 way of reminding sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事的方式; 提示
*send, give sb a gentle reminder, eg to pay a bill 婉言提醒某人(如付帐)
* The waiters were clearing the tables, which served as a reminder that it was time to leave. 服务员在收拾桌子, 提醒顾客该走了.


something that makes you notice, remember, or think about something
reminder of
 a reminder of the dangers of drinking and driving
reminder that
 Occasional bursts of gunfire are a reminder that the rebels are still active.
constant/painful/vivid etc reminder
 The damaged church was preserved as a stark reminder of the horrors of war.
 The drop in stock prices serves as a reminder (=is a reminder) that investing is a form of gambling.
something, for example a letter, that reminds you to do something which you might have forgotten
 a reminder from the dentist for your check-up
1. This note is only a reminder

2. She serves as an impressive reminder of the great ships of the past.

3. If he doesn´t pay his bill, send him a reminder.
    如果他拖欠账单不还, 给他送一张催单去。
