

美音:[rık´waıəd ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
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required为短语/超纲词汇   词频:4302

近义词, 同义词


1. But all students are required to take performing arts and sports, and provide a community service.

2. By that I mean that the Japanese take great pride in doing a job well and getting it done no matter how much time is required.

3. When I went to college, I learned that all students were required to take an English course.

4. Widespread access to information technologies, for example, promises to condense the time required to change from labor- intensive assembly work to industries that involve engineering, marketing, and design.

5. They required her affirmation of the fact.

6. The self-discipline required to drag myself out of bed eleven minutes earlier than usual was considerable.

7. This would have required Roosevelt to drive daily through unguarded streets across town to the Soviet and British embassies.

8. The issue of where it will be held can greatly multiply the amount of time required to reach a settlement."

9. No prior knowledge should be required.

10. At the end I was required to say, "For adults and entertainment only."
