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revolution为高中词汇   词频:1964


volve,volut=to roll(滚;卷)

近义词, 同义词


change  circle  circuit  cycle  orbit  overthrow  rebellion  revolt  riot  turning  uprising    


/,revə'lu:ʃn; ,rɛvə`luʃən/
1 [C, U] (instanceof the) overthrow of a system of government, esp by force 革命
*He has lived through two revolutions. 他经历了两次革命.
* the French Revolution, ie in
1789 法国大革命(1789年)
* foment, stir up revolution 激起、鼓动革命
* In politics, evolution is better than revolution. 从政治方面来说, 演变比革命好.
2 [C] ~ (in sth) (fig 比喻) complete or drastic change of method, conditions, etc (方法、情况等的)彻底改变, 重大变革
*a revolution in the treatment of cancer 在癌症治疗上的重大突破
* a genetic, technological, etc revolution 遗传学的、技术上的飞跃
* Credit cards have brought about a revolution in people's spending habits. 信用卡的使用给人们的消费习惯带来巨大改变.
3 [C, U] ~ (on/round sth)
(a) (act of) revolving or rotating, esp of one planet round another 旋转, 运行(尤指行星绕另一行星的)
*make, describe a full revolution 旋转、转动一周
* the revolution of the earth on its axis round the sun 地球以太阳为轴的旋转.
(b) (process of making a) single complete movement or turn round a central point (围绕中心点)旋转一周
*a record designed to be played at
45 revolutions per minute 每分钟
45 转的唱片.


2【political change】
3【circular movement】
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French;Origin:Latin revolutio, from revolvere; REVOLVE]
a complete change in ways of thinking, methods of working etc
revolution in
 In the last ten years there has been a revolution in education.
social/cultural/sexual etc revolution
 the biggest social revolution we have had in this country
 the sexual revolution of the 1960s
industrial revolution
a time when people change a ruler or political system by using force or violence
revolt, rebellion rebellion
 the French Revolution of 1789
 The role of women has changed since the revolution.
 The country seems to be heading towards revolution.
a) [U and C]
a circular movement around something
revolverevolution around
 the planets' revolution around the sun
one complete circular spinning movement, made by something such as a wheel attached to a central point
 a speed of 100 revolutions per minute
1. But a closer study of the evidence, supported by a deeper sense of the period, and particularly by a new consciousness of the philosophical undercurrents in the scientific revolution, has profoundly modified this view of Galileo.

2. B. And the book shows just how that can be done — by taking an active part in the revolution.
    B. 书中描述了这是怎样做到的——通过积极参与革命。

3. But it was also the era of Sputnik, of nuclear power and the green revolution.

4. The revolution brought happiness to the people.

5. The personal computer revolution and the invention of the Internet made the demand for skilled labor mushroom to such tremendous proportions that even if every American child were to study nothing but science from now on, we would be unable to keep p

6. Negro combustion slowly built up to the revolution point.

7. He has devoted his life to the revolution.

8. Dr. Sun Yat-sen was the forerunner of the Chinese revolution.

9. And yet, only half way through the book, she´s completely broken with the old world and become a staunch fighter in the ranks of the revolution.

10. After the war, a character called Uncle Sam began appearing in political cartoons, his form evolving from an earlier cartoon character called Brother Jonathan that was popular during the American Revolution.
