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rich为小学词汇   词频:1270


名词:richness 副词:richly 形容词比较级:richer 最高级:richest

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/rɪtʃ; rɪtʃ/
adj (-er, -est) (in meanings 1,
3 and
4 the opposite of poor 第1、3、4义为poor之反义词)
1 having much money or property; wealthy 富的; 富裕的; 富有的
*a rich film star 很有钱的电影明星
* America is a rich country. 美国很富.
2 valuable or expensive; splendid or luxurious 贵重的; 昂贵的; 华丽的; 豪华的
*rich clothes, furnishings 华丽的衣服、豪华的家具
* the rich interior of the church 教堂富丽堂皇的内景.
3 [pred 作表语] ~ in sth producing or having a large supply of sth (某物)盛产, 丰富, 多
*Oranges are rich in vitamin C. 橙子含有丰富的维生素C.
* The baroque style is rich in ornament. 巴罗克风格极具装饰性.
* a play rich in humour 富于幽默的剧
* soil rich in minerals 矿物质多的土壤.
4 producing or produced abundantly 丰产的; 肥沃的
*rich soil 沃土
* a rich harvest 丰收
* (fig 比喻) a rich supply of ideas 多谋
* a rich display of talent 才华横溢的表现.
5 (of food) containing a large amount of fat, butter, eggs, spices, etc (指食物)脂肪、黄油、蛋类、调料等含量大的, 油腻的, 味浓的
*a rich fruit cake 油腻的水果蛋糕
* a rich curry, casserole, sauce 味道很浓的咖喱菜、砂锅菜、沙司.
6 (of colours, sounds or smells) pleasantly deep, full, mellow or strong (指色彩)深的, 鲜艳的; (指声音)深沉的, 洪亮的; (指气味)浓烈的, 馥郁的
*cloth dyed a rich purple 被染成深紫色的布
* a rich soothing voice 深沉柔和的声音
* the rich bouquet of mature brandy 酿熟的白兰地的醇厚香味.
7 (idm 习语) (as) rich as `Croesus extremely wealthy 极富有的. strike it rich => strike2. ,that's `rich (Brit infml 口)
(a) that is very amusing 真有趣; 真逗.
(b) (ironic 反语) that is ludicrous or preposterous 真好笑; 真荒唐.


adj comparativerichersuperlativerichest
2【large amount】
3【full of interest】
10 that's rich (coming from him/you etc)
[Language: Old English;Origin: rice]
a) someone who is rich has a lot of money and valuable possessions
 one of the richest women in America
 She found herself a rich husband.
 He thought this was the easiest way to get rich .
 the rich nations of the world
fabulously richBrE
 She was both beautiful and fabulously rich.
 His brother's stinking rich (=very rich, in a way that you do not approve of) .
b) the rich [plural]
people who are rich
 houses belonging to the rich and famous
containing a lot of something
rich in
 Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C.
oxygen-rich/nutrient-rich/protein-rich etc
 Pregnant women should eat protein-rich foods.
 Rich mineral deposits have been found in the sea bed.
 Red meat is a rich source of iron.
full of interesting or important facts, events, or ideas
 the rich literary tradition of England
 The area has a very rich history.
rich in
 a story that was rich in detail
rich food contains a lot of butter, cream, or eggs, which make you feel full very quickly
 a rich fruit cake
 The sauce was very rich.
a rich smell or flavour is strong and pleasant
 the rich scent of the pine trees
 meat with a wonderfully rich flavour
 a rich, fruity wine
a rich colour is strong and attractive
 a rich dark brown colour
a rich sound is low and pleasant
 the rich tone of a cello
 He laughed with a rich, throaty chuckle.
rich soil is good for growing plants in
 Vegetables grow well in the rich, black soil.
rich cloth is expensive and beautiful
 She stroked the rich velvet of the dress enviously.
that's rich (coming from him/you etc)
BrE spoken used to say that what someone has said is unreasonable and that they are criticizing you for doing something that they do themselves
 He accused me of being dishonest, which was a bit rich coming from him.
WORD CHOICE: rich, well-off, wealthy, affluent, prosperous
Rich is a very direct way of saying that someone has a lot of money and possessions : one of the richest women in America
Well-off means fairly rich, so you can buy most things. People are more likely to describe themselves as 'well-off' than 'rich' : My parents were pretty well-off.
Wealthy is a slightly more formal word meaning rich, especially over a long period of time : He came from a wealthy family.
Affluent and prosperous are fairly formal words, often used to describe societies where the economy is successful and the standard of living is good.
Affluent means rich enough to have things like expensive cars and holidays : People are becoming increasingly affluent.
Prosperous means rich and successful : the more prosperous regions of the country

1. Bassanio, Antonio´s best friend, was in love with Portia, a rich andbeautiful lady who also loved him.

2. By a cunning trick he became heir of the rich widow.
    他策划了一个狡猾的计谋, 成了这有钱寡妇的继承人。

3. But before we could be so diplomatic, Rich said, "You know, all it needs is a little soy sauce."

4. But the worst happened when Rich criticized my mother's cooking, and he didn't even have a clue about what he had done.

5. Want to get rich? Become famous? You don't have to be a film star or a basketball player or a musician. You can do it by becoming an inventor.

6. The inheritance will make him a rich man.

7. This land is rich with petroleum.

8. The poor starve and the rich feast.
    穷人挨饿, 富人吃喝。

9. The poor are not less happy than many rich people.

10. The building of this house in the shape of the temple was a rich man´s vagary.
