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/'raɪdɪŋ; `raɪdɪŋ/
n [U]
1 sport or pastime of going about on a horse 骑马(运动或消遣)
*enjoy, take up riding 骑马玩、骑马消遣.
2 (in compounds 用以构成复合词) concerned with or used in riding 骑马的; 骑马用的
*`riding-boots 马靴.

/'raɪdɪŋ; `raɪdɪŋ/
1 Riding (Brit) any of the three administrative divisions of Yorkshire until
1974 1974年以前约克郡所设之三个行政区之一
*East/North/West Riding (of Yorkshire) (约克郡的)东[北/西]区.
2 (in Canada) electoral constituency (加拿大的)选区.



[Date: 1200-1300; Origin: ride]
the sport or activity of riding horses
 horse riding
 Shall we go riding on Saturday?
riding school/stables
(=place where people learn to ride horses)
1. Then he and Jane went horse-riding.

2. This time he had no truck; he was riding a bicycle!

3. The man came riding along the river road to the place where the customs officer was fishing. He got off his bicycle.

4. riding on its air cushion over a single rail, which it never touches, at speeds up to 300 m.p.h.

5. He was still riding a bicycle, and he still had the buckets of sand.

6. As in riding the bow waves of a ship.

7. At the Nagpur book show, for example, the latest American social publications were conspicuous by their absence and India's politically conscious leadership has been replaced by a new generation, riding on the wave of the Internet, making fortunes wi

8. People also enjoy the excitement of climbing mountains or of riding in a boat on a river that is moving very quickly or of racing in a car around a track.

9. He set off down the main street of the city riding a baby elephant called Jumbo.

10. Unlike the truck driver, he did not take up riding a bicycle. Nevertheless, he stayed near the bridge. He liked fishing.
