

美音:[rəud ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[rəud ]点这儿播放单词英音发声


road为小学词汇   词频:441

近义词, 同义词

direction  bearing  course  vector  set  drift  tendency  incidence  bending  trending  aim  line  path  roadmethod  way  manner  wise  mode  fashion  modus operandi  MO*  procedure  path  road  route  course  trajectory  orbit  track    


lane  path  thoroughfare  track  trail    


/rəʊd; rod/
1 (a) way between places, esp one with a prepared surface for the use of motor vehicles 路; 道路; 公路
*the road to Bristol/the Bristol road 通往布里斯托尔的公路[布里斯托尔公路]
* main/major/minor roads 公路干线[大路/支路]
* a quiet suburban road 清静的郊区道路
* [attrib 作定语] `road junctions 道路交叉处
* `road signs 道路标志牌.
(b) (in compounds 用以构成复合词) of or concerning such a way or ways 道路或公路的; 与道路或公路有关的
*a `road-map of Scotland 苏格兰公路交通图
* be considerate to other `road-users 礼让行车.
2 Road (abbr 缩写 Rd) (in names of roads, esp in towns 用于道路的名称, 尤用于城镇):
35 York Rd, London SW16 伦敦SW16约克路35号. =>Usage 见所附用法.
3 (usu pl 通常作复数) stretch of water near the shore where ships may be anchored (供船只停泊的)近岸水域, 近岸锚地
*the Southampton Roads 南安普敦港外锚地.
4 (idm 习语) all roads lead to `Rome (saying 谚) any of the methods, means, etc being considered will bring about the same result in the end 条条道路通罗马; 殊途同归. by `road in or on a road vehicle (乘车)在公路上, 由公路
*It's a long way by road the train is more direct. 走公路很远--乘火车近.
* It's cheaper to ship goods by road than by rail. 公路运输比铁路运输便宜. the end of the line/road => end1. hit the road => hit1. one for the road (infml 口) final drink before leaving for home, on a journey, etc 离别酒; 饯别酒. on the `road travelling, esp as a salesman, performer or tramp 在旅途中(尤指推销员、表演者或流浪者)
*The band has been on the road for almost a month. 那乐队进行巡回演出近一个月了. the road to sth way towards achieving sth, reaching a goal, etc 实现某事、达到某目标等的途径
*the road to success/ruin 成功[毁灭]之途. the road to hell is paved with good intentions (saying 谚) people may be blamed or punished as a result of not putting into practice their original good motives 通往地狱的道路是由良好的意图铺成的(只有良好动机而不付诸实践, 徒遭埋怨或惩罚). rule of the road => rule. take to the `road (fml 文) become a tramp 成为流浪者.

*In a town, street is the most general word for a road lined with buildings 在城镇, street是指道路时用得最广的词, 其两侧有建筑物
*a street-map of London 伦敦街道图. In British English street is not used for roads outside towns but streets in towns may have the word Road in their names 在英式英语中, street不用以指城镇外的道路, 而 Road一词却可用于城镇街道的名称中
*Edgware Road 埃奇韦尔路. An alley or lane is a narrow street between buildings. *alley和lane均指小街或小巷. An avenueis usually a wide street of houses, often in the suburbs and lined with trees. *avenue通常指两旁有房子的宽阔街道, 常指郊区的林荫道. (In US cities avenues often run at right angles to streets. 在美国城市中, avenue与street的走向常有纵横之分.) Roads (US highways) connect towns and villages *road(美国用highway)指连接城乡的公路
*a road-map of Ireland爱尔兰公路交通图. Motorways (US freeways/expressways) are built for long-distance traffic toavoid towns. *motorway(美国用freeway/expressway)指避开城镇的长距离高速公路. A lane is a narrow country road which winds between fields, connecting villages. *lane亦指郊外的狭窄小路, 蜿蜒穿过田间, 连接各个村落. Highway is seldom used in British English except in certain official phrases *highway一 词在英式英语中很少使用, 除非用于某些官方用语中
*the Highway Code 公路法规. Road, Street, Lane and Avenue are the most common words used in street names and are often abbreviated in addresses to Rd, St, La, Ave. *Road、Street、Lane、Avenue是用于街道名称中最常用的词, 书写地址时常缩写为Rd、St、La、Ave.


[Language: Old English;Origin: rad 'ride, journey']
[U and C]
a specially prepared hard surface for cars, buses, bicycles etc to travel on
street, motorway motorway, freeway freeway
 I was driving along the road when a kid suddenly stepped out in front of me.
 You'll see the library a bit further up the road .
 I ran down the road to see what was happening.
 There were loads of cars parked on the road .
 Protesters sat down in the road to stop the lorries.
I saw Nigel on the other side of the road .
Someone was standing in the middle of the road .
 There wasn't much traffic on the roads .
 I ran across the road to meet him.
We stopped and had something to eat by the side of the road .
 The college is easily accessible by road .
 There are far more cars on the roads now than there used to be.
I turned a corner to find the road ahead severely flooded.
Be careful crossing the road .
A dog ran out into the road .
We turned down a side road .
Beyond the garden was a fairly busy road .
Kids of that age have no road sense .
fatal road accidents
a road safety campaign
written abbreviationRd.
used in addresses after the names of roads and streets
 65 Maple Road
 He lives on Dudley Road .
on the road
a) travelling in a car, especially for long distances
 I've been on the road since 5:00 a.m. this morning.
b) if a group of actors or musicians are on the road, they are travelling from place to place giving performances
 They're on the road for six months out of every year.
c) if your car is on the road, you have paid for the repairs, tax etc necessary for you to drive it legally
 It would cost too much to put it back on the road.
the road to sth
if you are on the road to something, you will achieve it soon, or it will happen to you soon
 The doctor says she's well on the road to recovery.
 It was this deal that set him on the road to his first million.
 the first step along the road to democracy
go down a/this road
to choose a particular course of action
 Is there any scope for going down that road in the future?
 It depends which road you want to go down.
along/down the road
in the future, especially at a later stage in a process
 You can always upgrade a bit further down the road if you want.
 Somewhere down the road, they're going to clash.
one for the road
spoken a last alcoholic drink before you leave a party, pub etc
the end of the roadatend1 (17)
hit the roadathit1 (13)
COLLOCATES for sense 1
along/up/down a road
on/in a road
on the other side of the road
in the middle of the road
by the side of the road
by road (=driving)
on the roads
cross a road
run (out) into a road
side/back road (=a small road that is not used much)
busy road (=one with a lot of traffic)
road sense (=knowledge about how to behave sensibly near traffic)
road safety
a big road: main road, highway, motorway(BrE), freeway(AmE), expressway, turnpike(AmE), interstate(AmE), A-road(BrE)
a road in a town: street, avenue, boulevard
a road in the countryside: country road, lane, track
a road you pay to use: toll road
parts of a road: fast lane, slow lane, hard shoulder(BrE)shoulder(AmE), central reservation(BrE)median stripAmerican Englishpavement(BrE)sidewalk(AmE)

1. Even though the road was littered with boulders and pitted with holes, Bruce was not in the least perturbed.

2. Even though the road was littered with boulders and pitted with holes, Bruce was not in the least perturbed.

3. But at my first visit, when I saw him in his study in Maitland Park Road, he appeared before me, not as the untiring and incomparable socialist agitator, but as a man of learning.

4. Bits of broken glass, lengths of string, a key to a door long since decayed away, a rusty knife-blade, old shoes saved for a road that never was and never will be, a nail bent under the weight of things too heavy for any nail, a dried flower or two s

5. Wheels left grooves in a muddy dirt road .

6. We must persist in taking the road of self reliance.

7. We walked along the tortuous road.

8. The road was paved with concrete.

9. The rain was heavy, and consequently the road was flooded.
    雨很大, 所以路被淹没了.

10. The road curved suddenly to the left.
