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rotation为短语/超纲词汇   词频:5957




rot=wheel(轮子),to turn(旋转)

近义词, 同义词


/rəʊ'teɪʃn; ro`teʃən/
1 (a) [U] rotating or being rotated 旋转; 转动
*the rotation of the Earth 地球的自转.
(b) [C] one complete movement of this type (旋转的)一圈; (一)转
*five rotations per hour 每小时旋转五圈.
2 [C, U] regular organized sequence of things or events 轮流; 轮换
*the rotation of crops/crop rotation, ie varying the crops grown each year on the same land to avoid exhausting the soil 作物的轮作[轮种].
3 (idm 习语) in rotation in turn; in regular succession 轮流地; 轮番地; 循环地
*The chairmanship of the committee changes in rotation. 委员会主席一职是轮流担任的.


when something turns with a circular movement around a central point
rotation of
 the rotation of the Earth on its axis
rotation about/around
 the planet's rotation around the sun
one complete circular turn around a central point
= revolution
 The blades spin at 100 rotations per minute.
the practice of regularly changing the thing that is being used or done, or the person who does a particular job
 job rotation
in rotation
 Three plays will be performed in rotation during the drama festival.
a period of time spent doing a particular job, when you will soon change to a different job for the same employer
 a young doctor on a rotation in the children's ward
the people who each take a turn to do a particular job in a regular order
 The rotation included two rookies, Hernandez and Saunders.
1. The land has been regenerated by rotation of crops.

2. The land has been regenerated by rotation of crops.

3. Periodic rotation of tyres will result in longer tyre life.
