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sake为短语/超纲词汇   词频:2522


/seɪk; sek/
n (idm 习语) for God's, goodness', Heaven's, pity's, etc sake (used as an interjection before or after a command or request, or to express irritation 用作感叹语, 可置于表示命令或要求的词语之前或之後, 或表示恼怒)
*For God's sake, stop that whining! 看在上帝面上, 别号叫了!
* For goodness' sake! How can you be so stupid? 天哪! 你怎么这么笨哪? for old times' sake =>old. for the sake of argument as the basis of a discussion 为便于讨论
*Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that inflation will remain at 5% per year for two years. 为便于讨论, 咱们先假设通货膨胀率连续两年均为5%. for the sake of sb/sth; for sb's/sth's sake in order to help sb/sth or because one likes sb/sth 为了某人[某事物](起见)
*do sth for the sake of one's family 为家庭做某事
* I'll help you for your sister's sake, eg because I want to save her trouble. 看在你姐姐面上, 我来帮你. for the sake of sth/doing sth in order to get or keep sth 为获得或保持某事物
*We made concessions for the sake of peace. 为了和平我们做出了让步.
* She argues for the sake of arguing, ie because she likes arguing. 她因为好辩而与人争论.
* Let's not spoil the job for the sake of a few pounds. 咱们不要为了几英镑而把工作弄糟.
1. Walking for walking´s sake may be as highly laudable and exemplary a thing as it is held to be by those who practise it.
    正如惯常散步者所认为的那样, 为散步而散步可能是一件值得高度称赞和效法的事情.

2. Walking for walking´s sake may be as highly laudable and exemplary a thing as it is held to be by those who practise it.
    正如惯常散步者所认为的那样, 为散步而散步可能是一件值得高度称赞和效法的事情.

3. Well, the news caused a bit of excitement, and we were glad of it for old Maggie´s sake.

4. The debate was over whether to go ahead with Overlord in the spring of 1944, as the Russians and Americans favoured, or possibly to postpone the invasion for the sake of operations in the Mediterranean, as the British proposed.

5. There's the fear, for instance, that parents might clone a child for the sake of having "surplus parts" in case the original child needs an organ transplant.

6. I eat only kosher food prepared by my maid. For health´s sake,I suggest you never eat in the night market.
    我只是吃女佣烹调和干净的食物, 为了健康的缘故,我建议你永远不要在夜市吃.

7. For health´s sake,I suggest you never eat in the night market.
