

美音:[´skætə ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´skætə ]点这儿播放单词英音发声


scatter为短语/超纲词汇   词频:4019


名词:scatterer 动词过去式:scattered 过去分词:scattered 现在分词:scattering 第三人称单数:scatters

近义词, 同义词



/'skætə(r); `skætɚ/
1 [I, Tn] (cause people or animals to) move, usu quickly, in different directions (使人或动物)散开
*The crowd scattered. 人群散开了.
* The police scattered the crowd. 警察驱散了人群.
2 (a) [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] throw (sth) in different directions; put here and there 撒(某物); 散布
*scatter seed (over the ground) 播种
* scatter grit on the road 把沙砾撒在路面上
* We scattered plates of food around the room before the party. 我们在聚会前把一盘盘食物摆放在屋中各处.
* (fig 比喻) Don't scatter your money around. 别到处挥霍.
(b) [Tn.pr] ~ sth with sth cover (a surface, etc) with sth by throwing it in different directions 将某物撒在(某物表面)上
*scatter the lawn with grass seed 把草籽撒在草坪上.

*When we scatter something we throw it in different directions. *scatter指将某物向四面八方扔去. We can also scatter an area (the ground, a field, etc) with something 这个词也可指将某物撒在一处(地上、田里等)
*scatter seeds on the fields/scatter the fields with seeds 在田里播种[把种子撒在田地里]. Scatter over/about suggests that the throwing is done carelessly and causes a mess *scatter over/about指随便扔, 弄得乱七八糟
*Who's scattered my papers all over the floor? 谁把我的文件扔得满地都是?
* We came home to find our belongings scattered about the room. 我们回到家里看到东西扔得满屋都是. Strew is most commonly used in the past participle form strewn. *strew多见于其过去分词形式strewn. *It can suggest both intentional and careless throwing 这一动作既可为有意识的, 也可为随随便便的
*The streets were strewn with flowers for the royal visit. 街道布满了花朵以迎接王室成员莅临.
* There was litter strewn all over the pavement. 人行道上到处都是扔的垃圾. Sprinkle is used with water, sand, salt, etc and indicates intentional scattering, usually over a small area *sprinkle用以指洒水、撒沙子、撒盐等, 且指有意识地散布在通常为一小块范围内
*Sprinkle a little salt on the rice. 在米饭上撒点盐.
* The priest sprinkled holy water on the baby's forehead. 神父把圣水洒在婴儿的额头上.
* The grass was sprinkled with dew. 草上沾满了露珠.


v [I and T]
[Date: 1100-1200; Origin: Perhaps from shatter]
if someone scatters a lot of things, or if they scatter, they are thrown or dropped over a wide area in an irregular way
scatter (sth) over/around/across etc sth
 Scatter the onions over the fish.
 The flowers fell and scattered on the ground.
if a group of people or animals scatter, or if something scatters them, they move quickly in different directions
 The sound of gunfire made the crowd scatter in all directions.
scattered, scattering
1. What divorce does is to damage children, making them into refugees as the people in their lives scatter in all directions.
