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sensation为短语/超纲词汇   词频:3637


sens,sent=to feel(感觉)

近义词, 同义词


/sen'seɪʃn; sɛn`seʃən/
1 (a) [C] feeling in one's body resulting from sth that happens or is done to it 感觉; 感受
*a sensation of warmth, dizziness, falling 温暖、眩晕、下降的感觉
* Massage produces wonderful sensations. 按摩可产生舒适的感觉.
(b) [C] general awareness or impression not caused by anything that can be seen or defined 下意识的感觉
*I had the sensation that I was being watched. 我觉得有人监视着我.
(c) [U] ability to feel through the sense of touch 知觉; 触觉
*lose all sensation in one's legs 腿部完全失去知觉
* Some sensation is coming back to my arm. 我的胳膊逐渐恢复一些知觉.
2 [C, U] state of great surprise, excitement, interest, etc among many people 轰动; 群情激动
*The news caused a great sensation. 这个消息十分轰动.
* (derog 贬) Sensation-seeking newspapers tried to cash in on her misery. 专登危言耸听内容的报纸竭力渲染她的苦境来卖钱.


[Date: 1600-1700; Language: Medieval Latin;Origin: sensatio, from Late Latin sensatus 'having sense', from Latin sensus; SENSE1]
[U and C]
a feeling that you get from one of your five senses, especially the sense of touch
burning/prickling/tingling etc sensation
 One sign of a heart attack is a tingling sensation in the left arm.
sensation of
 a sensation of heat
a feeling that is difficult to describe, caused by a particular event, experience, or memory
sensation that
 Caroline had the sensation that she was being watched.
strange/curious/odd sensation
 It was a strange sensation - I felt I'd been there before.
the ability to feel things, especially through your sense of touch
 Jerry realized that he had no sensation in his legs.
[C usually singular]
extreme excitement or interest, or someone or something that causes this
cause/create a sensation
 The sex scenes in the film caused a sensation.
pop/fashion/media etc sensation
 the latest pop sensation from England
1. The first tests on the Solent in 1959 caused a sensation.

2. I felt a sensation of happiness.
