

美音:[´sentə´mentəl ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´sentə´mentəl ]点这儿播放单词英音发声






sens,sent=to feel(感觉)

近义词, 同义词



/,sentɪ'mentl; ,sɛntə`mɛntl/ adj
1 of or concerning the emotions, rather than the reason 情感的, 情绪的(非理智的)
*do sth for sentimental reasons 由于感情的原因而做某事
* have a sentimental attachment to one's birth-place 对出生地有眷恋之情
* a watch with sentimental value, ie which is precious eg because it was given by sb one loves 有怀念价值的手表(因所爱的人所赠).
2 (usu derog 通常作贬义)
(a) (of things) expressing or arousing tender emotions, such as pity, romantic love or nostalgia, which may be exaggerated or wrongly directed (指事物)表达或引起柔懦情感的(可为夸张的或滥施的)
*sentimental music 令人感伤的音乐
* a sloppy, sentimental love story 伤情感心的爱情小说.
(b) ~ (about sb/sth) (of people) having such emotions (指人)有柔懦情感的
*She's too sentimental about her cat. 她对她的猫未免太牵肠挂肚了.


someone who is sentimental is easily affected by emotions such as love, sympathy, sadness etc, often in a way that seems silly to other people
 She said a sentimental goodbye.
sentimental about
 People can be very sentimental about animals.
based on or relating to your feelings rather than on practical reasons
 He wasn't the sort of person who kept things for sentimental reasons .
 a sentimental journey to the place of his birth
 The rings that were stolen were of great sentimental value (=important because of your feelings or memories relating to them) .
a story, film, book etc that is sentimental deals with emotions such as love and sadness, sometimes in a way that seems silly and insincere
 a sentimental story set in Russia
1. A. Yes, a rather sentimental girl fed up with bourgeois society but not knowing what to do about it.
    A. 记得,她是一个多愁善感、对资本主义社会感到厌倦,但又不知如何是好的女孩儿。

2. You should forgive her. Women are always like that; they are sentimental.
