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sexual为短语/超纲词汇   词频:1402



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/'sekʃʊəl; `sɛkʃuəl/
1 (a) of sex(2,3) or the sexes or the physical attraction between them 性交的; 性行为的; 性吸引的; 两性的; 肉体吸引的
*sexual feelings, activity, desire 性吸引的感受、性活动、性欲
* Her interest in him is primarily sexual. 她喜欢他主要是肉体上的.
(b) of sex(1) or gender 性别的; 性的; 男性或女性的; 雄性或雌性的
*sexual differences, characteristics, etc 性的区别、特徵等.
2 [attrib 作定语] concerned with the reproduction of offspring 生殖的; 有性生殖的
*sexual organs, ie penis, vagina, etc 生殖器官
* sexual reproduction in plants 植物的有性生殖.


relating to the physical activity of sex
 a disease passed on by sexual contact
 allegations of sexual abuse
 her first sexual experience
 Many elderly people continue to have satisfying sexual relationships.
relating to the social relationships between men and women, especially the differences between men and women
 sexual stereotypes
 young people who are sexually active (=who regularly have sex)
 I no longer found her sexually attractive.
 She had been sexually assaulted.
1. Within the first six months of life the human brain doubles in capacity; it doubles again by age four and then grows rapidly until we reach sexual maturity.

2. Do you think sexual act outside marriage is wrong?

3. AIDS spreads in three basic ways: first, through sexual intercourse(性交); second, through contact with diseased blood; and third from an HIV mother to her baby.

4. I am a person, a sexual being, a person who struggles, for whom there are important issues to explore, new things to learn, challenges to meet, beginnings to make, risks to take, endings to think about.
