

美音:[ʃıft ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[ʃıft ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.移动,轮班,移位,变化,办法,手段 vt.替换,转移,改变,移转,推卸,变速 vi.转换,移动,转变,推托,变速


shift为短语/超纲词汇   词频:2631


名词:shifter 动词过去式:shifted 过去分词:shifted 现在分词:shifting 第三人称单数:shifts

近义词, 同义词


alter  change  substitute  vary    


/ʃɪft; ʃɪft/
1 (a) [I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p]~ (sth/sb/oneself) (from.../to...); ~ (sth/sb/oneself) (about/around) (cause sth/sb/oneself to) change or move from one position or direction to another (使某事物[某人/自己])改变位置或方向
*The cargo has shifted, ie has been shaken out of place by the movement of the ship. 货物移动了位置(因船颠簸).
* The wind shifted from east to north. 风由东转向北.
* The tools shift around in the car boot every time we turn a corner. 我们每次转弯, 汽车行李箱里的工具就来回动.
* The audience shifted uneasily in their seats. 观众在座位上不安地动来动去.
* (infml 口) Soap won't shift that stain, ie wash it off. 肥皂洗不掉那个污迹.
* Help me to shift the sofa away from the fire. 帮我把这沙发挪得离炉火远些.
* You'll have to shift yourselves to another room I want to clean in here. 你得到另一个房间去--我要打扫这里.
* The teacher shifted the chairs around in the classroom. 那个教师挪动了教室里的椅子.
(b) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (from A to/onto B) transfer sth 转移或转换某事物
*Don't try to shift the responsibility onto others
*you must do the job yourself. 别想把责任推给别人, 你得自己干这件事.
* He shifted the load from his left to his right shoulder. 他把重物从左肩换到右肩.
2 [Ipr, Ip, Tn] ~ out of sth/into sth; ~ up/down (esp US) change (gear) in a vehicle 换(挡)
*shift out of first into second 从一挡换到二挡
* Shift up when you reach
30 mph. 车速达到每小时30英里时要换高挡.
* You have to shift down to climb steep hills. 汽车爬陡坡得换低挡.
* Learn to shift gear at the right moment. 要学会掌握在什么时候换挡.
3 [I] (Brit infml 口) move quickly 迅速移 动
*You'll have to shift if you want to get there by nine o'clock. 你要想九点钟到那儿, 就得快点.
* That car can really shift! 那辆汽车要是快开的话还真够快!
4 (idm 习语) shift one's `ground take a new position or a different way of approaching a subject during an argument (辩论中)改变立场或方法.
5 (phr v) shift for oneself manage one's life without help from others 自谋生计
*When their parents died, the children had to shift for themselves. 孩子们在父母死後只好自谋生路.

/ʃɪft; ʃɪft/
1 ~ (in sth) change of place, nature, form, etc (位置、性质、形式等的)改变, 转变
*a gradual shift of people from the country to the town 人们由乡村向市镇的逐渐转移
* shifts in public opinion 公众舆论的转变
* There has been a shift in fashion from formal to more informal dress. 服装的式样已经有了转变, 以前很拘谨现在较随便.
2 (period of time worked by a) group of workers which starts work as another group finishes 轮班职工; 轮值的班(工作时间)
*the `day/`night shift 日班[夜班]
* work an eight-hour shift 八小时轮班工作
* working in shifts 轮班工作
* [attrib 作定语] a shift worker 轮班工作的人
* shift work, pay 轮班的工作、工资. Cf 参看 relay 1.
3 trick or scheme for achieving sth or avoiding a difficulty (为获得某事物或逃避困难的)计谋, 手段
*use some dubious shifts to get money 用某种值得怀疑的手段赚钱
* As a temporary shift, he covered up the leak with a plastic bag. 作为权宜之计, 他用塑料袋把漏洞给包上了.
4 (a) woman's straight narrow dress 狭窄的直筒式连衣裙.
(b) (arch 古) woman's undergarment like a dress; chemise 连衣裙式女内衣.
5 mechanism on a typewriter, etc that allows capitals to be typed 换字键(打字机等的大小写字体转换键)
*Press `Shift' and type `A'. 按`换字键'然後打字母`A'.
6 (idm 习语) make `shift (with sth) (becoming dated 渐旧) use what is available, though it is seen as barely adequate; manage 勉强使用; 将就
*We haven't really got enough food for everyone but we'll have to make shift (with what we've got). 我们的食物其实并不够分的, 只好(用现有的东西)将就了.
1. This gives the muscles of your lens and iris a chance to shift position.

2. This gives the muscles of your lens and iris a chance to shift position.

3. There is no provision in the law for a gradual shift away from welfare.

4. I have never seen Mrs. Clark before, but I know from her medical chart and the report I received from the preceding shift that tonight she will die.
