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shirt为小学词汇   词频:2471


/ʃɜ:t; ʃɝt/
1 loose-fitting garment (usu worn by men) for the upper part of the body, made of cotton, linen, silk, etc, with long or short sleeves 衬衫, 衬衣(通常指男用的)
*a `sports shirt, ie one with short sleeves for casual wear 短袖衬衫
* a `dress shirt, ie a formal one worn with a dinner-jacket, etc 礼服衬衫. =>illus at jacket 见jacket插图.
2 (idm 习语) keep one's `shirt on (infml 口) (usu imperative 通常用于祈使句) not lose one's temper 不生气; 不发脾气
*Keep your shirt on! Nobody meant to offend you. 别发火! 没人想惹你. lose one's shirt =>lose. put one's shirt on sth (sl 俚) bet all one's money on (a horse, etc) 将全部钱财作赌注压在(马、狗等上); 孤注一掷
*He has put his shirt on his team winning the trophy. 他孤注一掷, 赌自己的队一定能赢得锦标. a stuffed shirt =>stuff2.



[Language: Old English;Origin: scyrte]
a piece of clothing that covers the upper part of your body and your arms, usually has a collar, and is fastened at the front by buttons
 I have to wear a shirt and tie to work.
 a check shirt
keep your shirt on
spoken used to tell someone who is becoming angry that they should stay calm
put/bet/stake your shirt on sth
BrE informal to risk all your money on something
stuffed shirt
1. But why is he a black man? Why is he a Negro male with a worn T-shirt and shining eyes? Why is he not a white man?

2. Whose shirt is that?

3. This is my shirt. My shirt is blue.
    这是我的衬衫. 我的衬衫是蓝的.

4. Teacher: Whose shirt is that?

5. This is my shirt.

6. Tim´s shirt´s white.

7. Then one day they saw him put some bread under his shirt. They searched his bed and found food under his blanket. They understood.

8. He wears a stainless white shirt today.

9. Do me the favor to put on this shirt, and this suit.
    请您赏脸把这件衬衫穿上, 还有这套衣服;

10. After her shower, Sandy brushed her hair, put on her old, green T-shirt and some jeans and wrapped her sweater around her shoulders.
