

美音:[ʃɔt ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[ʃɔt ]点这儿播放单词英音发声


shot为中学词汇   词频:1878


动词过去式:shotted 过去分词:shotted 现在分词:shotting 第三人称单数:shots

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/ʃɒt; ʃɑt/
1 [C] ~ (at sb/sth) act of shooting a gun, etc; sound of this 射击; 发射; 枪炮声
*fire a few shots 放几枪
* hear shots in the distance 听到远处的枪声
* take a shot at the enemy 朝敌人开枪
* Two of her shots hit the centre of the target. 她有两枪打中靶心.
* (fig 比喻) His remark was meant as a shot at me. 他的话是冲着我来的.
2 [C] ~ (at sth/doing sth) attempt to do sth; try 试图; 设法
*have a shot at (solving) this problem 设法解决这一问题
* After a few shots at guessing who did it, I gave up. 到底是谁干的, 我猜了几次没猜着就不再猜了.
3 [C] stroke in cricket, tennis, billiards, etc or a kick in football (板球、网球、台球等中的)击球; (足球中的)踢
*a backhand shot 反手抽击
* Good shot! 好球!
* The striker had/took a shot at goal, ie tried to score. 前锋射门.
4 [C]
(a) (pl unchanged 复数不变) (formerly) non-explosive ball of stone or metal shot from a cannon or gun (旧时)大炮或枪使用的无炸药的石弹丸或金属弹丸. Cf 参看 cartridge 1, shell 3.
(b) (often 常作 the shot) [sing] heavy iron ball used in shot-put competitions (运动竞赛用的)铅球
*put (ie throw) the shot 推铅球.
5 [U] (also lead `shot) large number of tiny balls or pellets of lead packed inside cartridges fired from shotguns (猎枪用的)散弹.
6 [C] person with regard to his skill in shooting a gun, etc 射手; 枪手; 炮手
*a first-class, good, poor, etc shot 第一流的、好的、差劲的...射手.
7 [C]
(a) photograph or scene photographed 镜头; 景
*a long shot, ie taken with a long distance between the camera and the thing photographed 远镜头
* a shot of the politician making a speech 政治家演讲的镜头.
(b) single continuous film sequence photographed by one camera (电影中以同一摄影机拍摄的)连续镜头
*an action shot of a car chase 汽车追赶动作的连续镜头.
8 [C] launch of a space rocket, missile, etc (宇宙火箭、导弹等的)发射
*the second space shot this year 今年的第二次空间发射.
9 [C] (infml 口) injection of a drug, etc with a hypodermic needle 皮下注射(药物等)
*Have you had your typhus shots yet? 你打过斑疹伤寒防疫针了吗?
10 [C] (infml 口) small amount of whisky, gin, etc (威士忌、杜松子酒等的)少量
*a shot of vodka 一点伏特加.
11 (idm 习语) a big noise/shot =>big call the shots/tune =>call2. a leap/shot in the dark =>dark1. like a `shot (infml 口)
(a) at once; without hesitation 立刻; 毫不犹豫地
*If I had the chance to go, I'd take it like a shot. 我要是有机会去, 我就不犹豫.
(b) very fast 飞快地
*The dog was after the rabbit like a shot. 那只狗飞快地追赶兔子. a long shot =>long1. not by a long chalk/shot =>long1. a parting shot => parting. a shot in the `arm thing that encourages or gives fresh energy to sb/sth 起鼓舞或振奋作用的事物
*The improved trade figures are a much-needed shot in the arm for the economy. 贸易数额增长是当前极需的推动国民经济的因素.

/ʃɒt; ʃɑt/
1 ~ (with sth) (of cloth) woven or dyed so as to show different colours when looked at from different angles (指织物)(织得或染得)颜色闪变的(从不同角度看颜色不同)
*shot silk 闪光绸
* a black curtain shot with silver 闪银光的黑色帷幔
* (fig 比喻) brown hair shot with grey 花白的棕色头发.
2 [usu pred 通常作表语] (infml 口 esp US) worn out; used up; wrecked 筋疲力尽; 用旧; 耗尽; 毁坏
*Her patience was completely shot. 她已忍无可忍.
3 (idm 习语) shot through with sth containing much of (a quality); suffused with sth 很有(某特质); 充满着
*conversation shot through with humour 富于幽默的交谈
* comedy shot through with sadness 充满心酸的喜剧.

pt, pp of shoot1.
1. When my HIV test results returned positive, I was shocked and confused. Was I dying? Was my shot at the '88 Olympics vaporized?

2. The shot was fatal.

3. The wings of the bird still fluttered after it had been shot down.

4. The pipe burst and jets of water shot across the kitchen.
    管子破了, 水从厨房的这边喷到那边.

5. The film is being shot on location.

6. The expedition carried a little flour and sugar, but mostly they relied on the fish that Pinero caught with his harpoon and the game that was shot with bow and arrow, using the campfire to grill meat or cassava cakes.

7. The plane blasted into the air like a bullet shot out of a rifle, and soon we were at 2,000 feet and climbing.

8. He must know how to ride and at shot and cast a fly.
    他们必须学会骑马, 射击和垂钓.

9. He must know how to ride and at shot and cast a fly.
    他们必须学会骑马, 射击和垂钓.

10. He pulled the trigger and the bottle was shot to pieces.
    他扣动扳机, 瓶子当即被打得粉碎。
