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shy为中学词汇   词频:5265


副词:shyly 名词:shyer 名词复数:shies 形容词比较级:shier/shyer 最高级:shiest/shyest 动词过去式:shied 过去分词:shied 现在分词:shying 第三人称单数:shies

近义词, 同义词


bashful  coy  demure  timid  bold    


/ʃaɪ; ʃaɪ/
adj (shyer, shyest)
1 (a) (of people) timid and nervous in the presence of others; reserved (指人)羞怯的, 腼腆的
*He was too shy to speak to her. 他很怕羞, 连话都不敢跟她说.
* The child isn't at all shy with adults. 这小孩在大人面前一点也不羞怯.
(b) (of behaviour, etc) showing that one is timid, reserved, etc (指行为等)羞怯的,  腆的
*a shy look, smile, etc 羞怯的表情、微笑等.
2 (of animals, birds, etc) unwilling to be seen by or be near to humans; easily frightened (指鸟兽等)不愿近人的, 易受惊的, 胆怯的.
3 ~ of sb/doing sth wary or afraid of (a person or an action) 对(某人或某行为)存戒心的或有顾忌的
*The dog is shy of strangers. 这狗怕生人.
* I'm shy of buying shares, in case I lose money. 我不敢买股票, 怕赔钱.
4 ~ (on/of sth/sb) (US infml 口) short of or lacking sth/sb 短、少或缺某事物[某人]
*We've plenty of wine, but we're shy on beer. 我们有很多葡萄酒, 但啤酒不够.
* We are still two men shy (of a full team). 我们还少两个人(才能凑成一个队).
5 (idm 习语) fight shy of sb/sth =>fight1. once bitten, twice shy => bite1.

v (pt, pp shied / FaId; FaId/)
1 [I, Ipr] ~ (at sth) (of a horse) turn aside or hold back in fear or alarm (指马)受惊, 惊
*The colt shied at the fence and refused to jump over it. 这马驹到障碍物前害怕不敢跳过去.
2 (phr v) shy away from sth/doing sth avoid or move away from (doing) sth because of shyness, fear, etc (因害羞、恐惧等)避免或逃避(做某事)
*I've always shied away from close friendships. 我总是避免与人深交.

/ʃaɪ; ʃaɪ/
v (pt, pp shied / FaId; FaId/) [Tn, Tn.pr] (dated infml 旧, 口) throw (sth) 投, 掷, 扔(某物)
*shy stones (at a bottle, over a wall, etc) (朝瓶子、墙那边等)扔石头.

n (infml 口) act of throwing 投; 掷; 扔
*have/take a couple of shies at the tin can in the lake 朝着湖里的白铁罐砍了两下. Cf 参看 coconut shy (coconut).
1. He was too shy to speak to her.
    他很怕羞, 连话都不敢跟她说.

2. Her eyes are big and a little shy, her voice is soft, her skin a light brown colour.)

3. Since Peter Reid had developed T.B. and gone to hospital, Joan had always been so shy and so difficult to talk to.

4. Most professors agree future learning will be more centred around the home, and fear children could become isolated and shy.

5. Gouvernail was in no sense a shy man.

6. Charles is shy and does not take the initiative in making acquaintances.

7. Once bitten, twice shy.

8. I concluded that they were simply shy of strangers.
