
side effect



side effect为短语/超纲词汇

近义词, 同义词

side effect

'side ef.fect
an effect that a drug has on your body in addition to curing pain or illness
harmful/serious/adverse etc side effect
 a natural remedy with no harmful side effects
side effect of
 the side effects of the medication
an unexpected or unplanned result of a situation or event
 These policy changes could have beneficial side effects for the whole economy.
1. Every child that is born into his group will share them with him, and no child born into one on the opposite side of the globe can ever achieve the thousandth part.

2. Even this had no effect.

3. But neither psychiatric interviews nor objective tests were able to show there is any effect upon these American sailors.

4. But as the paper moved from side to side under the pen point, its movement would be recorded in ink upon its surface.

5. But penicillin, too, has its side effects.

6. Before Sotto could stop him, Bonpland had pulled off his boots and jumped over the side.

7. But we must be less willing to accept superficial, theoretical announcements of right and wrong, cause and effect.

8. But next year, the weather may not be on their side.

9. If there is any effect of noise upon mental health,

10. It would be up and down, to and fro and from side to side.
