

美音:[´sıstə ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´sıstə ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.姐妹,姐,女会员,修女,妹 vt.姐妹般对待


sister为小学词汇   词频:1180

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/'sɪstə(r); `sɪstɚ/
1 daughter of the same parents as oneself or another person 姐; 妹
*my, your, his, etc big sister 我的、你的、他的...姐姐
* She has been like a sister to me, ie has behaved as a sister does. 她一向待我亲如姐妹.
2 (used esp by feminist women 尤为提倡女权主义的女性使用) fellow woman 姐妹
*They supported their sisters in the dispute. 她们在辩论中支持她们的姐妹.
3 (US infml 口) (used to address a woman 用以称呼女子)
*Come on, sister, hurry along! 好了, 大姐, 快点!
4 (Brit) senior hospital nurse 护士长.
5 Sister member of certain female religious orders; nun 修女
*the Little Sisters of the Poor 贫民救济修女会.
6 [attrib 作定语] (eg of a ship or an organization) of the same design or type (例如指船或团体)同样类型的
*After the disaster, tests were carried out on the tanker's sister vessels. 那艘油轮遇难後, 对同类型的油轮都进行了检验.
* our sister college in Cambridge 我们剑桥大学的姐妹学院.


[Language: Old English;Origin: sweostor]
a girl or woman who has the same parents as you
brother, half-sister half-sister, step-sister step-sister
 Janet and Abby are sisters.
 He has two sisters and a brother.
older/big sister
 My older sister is a nurse.
younger/little sister
 Where's your little sister?
 She's my twin sister .
sister paper/publication/company etc
a newspaper etc that belongs to the same group or organization
 the Daily Post's sister paper, the Liverpool Echo
a nun
 Good morning, Sister Mary.
BrE alsoSister
a nurse in charge of a hospital ward
 the ward sister
 I'm feeling a bit better today, Sister.
a word used by women to talk about other women and to show that they have feelings of friendship and support towards them
 We appeal to our sisters all over the world to stand by us.
AmE spoken a way of talking to or about an African-American woman, used especially by African Americans
1. Because of her inherent carelessness, I doubt my sister can ever be a good driver.

2. But my sister bought this pair last month.

3. Work on it had begun before my sister left.

4. We can't really call a friend to say we got a parcel from our sister, or it's getting dark earlier now, or we don't trust that new Supreme Court justice.

5. The vindictive little girl tore up her sister´s papers.

6. The heavier I was, the more I would make fun of my sister and mother for their imitating:

7. He felt great affection for his sister.

8. He coaxed his elder sister into taking him to the circus.

9. Have you been in contact with your sister recently?

10. He slapped his sister, who retaliated by kicking him.
    他打了妹妹一巴掌, 他妹妹回敬他一脚.
