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sky为小学词汇   词频:1697


名词复数:skies 动词过去式:skied 过去分词:skied 现在分词:skying 第三人称单数:skies

近义词, 同义词


/skaɪ; skaɪ/
1 (a) [U, sing] (usu the sky when [sing] but a sky or skies [pl] when modified by an adj 用于单数时通常作the sky, 但受形容词修饰时则作a sky或skies) the space seen when one looks upwards from the earth, where clouds and the sun, moon and stars appear 天; 天空
*a patch of blue sky 一块蓝天
* birds flying up into the sky 飞向天空的鸟
* under the open sky, ie out of doors 在户外
* a clear, blue sky 晴朗蔚蓝的天空
* clouds moving across the sky 在天空飘过的浮云
* a starry sky/(the) starry skies 星斗满天.
(b) skies [pl] climate or weather as shown by this 天气; 气候
*a day of rain and cloudy skies 有雨、多云的一天
* the sunny skies of Italy 意大利的晴朗天气.
2 (idm 习语) pie in the sky => pie. praise, etc sb/sth to the `skies praise sb/sth very greatly 极力称赞某人[某事物]; 把某人[某事物]捧上了天
*The teacher was extolling her work to the skies. 教师极力称赞她功课好. the sky's the limit (infml saying 口, 谚) there is no limit 没有限制
*You could win millions! The sky's the limit! 你有可能赢数百万. 无尽无休!

v (pt, pp skied / skaId; skaId/) [Tn] hit (esp a ball) very high 将(尤指球)击向空中.


[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old Norse;Origin:'cloud']
[singular, U]
the space above the earth where clouds and the sun and stars appear
 The sky grew dark, and a cold rain began to fall.
 A shooting star sped across the sky.
in the sky
 There wasn't a cloud in the sky.
blue/black/grey etc sky
 The sun rose higher in a clear blue sky.
clear/cloudy/dark etc sky
 Robyn lay on her back looking up at the cloudless sky.
 under a slightly overcast sky (=with clouds)
night/morning/summer etc sky
 The evening sky was darkening as I made my way home.
 She looked out over the rooftops and the open sky .
skies [plural]
a word meaning 'sky', used especially when describing the weather or what the sky looks like in a place
 a land of blue skies and warm sunshine
 The skies were overcast, and it was chilly and damp.
the sky's the limit
spoken used to say that there is no limit to what someone can achieve, spend, win etc
 Francis believes the sky's the limit for the young goalkeeper.
pie in the skyatpie, praise sb/sth to the skiesatpraise1 (1)
1. Even under a clear blue sky, the village looked forbidding, as all the houses were built of grey mud bricks.

2. Balanced at the edge of a narrow white platform, I am about to jump head first into a hot new phase of Japan's leisure boom: indoor sky diving, without a parachute.

3. The smoke ascends slowly to the sky.

4. The sun burnishes the South Pacific sky.

5. There are some clouds in the sky, but the sun is shining.

6. There are innumerable constellations in the sky.

7. The colours of the sunset were diffused across the sky.
    日落时分, 霞光满天。

8. The sky was lurid with the flames of the burning city.

9. There are myriad flies in the sky.

10. The sky became suddenly overcast with clouds.
    乌云密布, 天空突然暗下来。
