

美音:[slɔʃ ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[slɔʃ ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.泥泞,溅泼声 v.溅,泼




形容词:sloshy 动词过去式:sloshed 过去分词:sloshed 现在分词:sloshing 第三人称单数:sloshes


/slɒʃ; slɑʃ/
1 (infml 口)
(a) [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (about/around) (of liquid) move around noisily, eg in a bucket (指液体)晃动作响(如在桶内)
*water sloshing against the sides of the bath 溅着浴缸内侧的水
* Milk sloshed around in the flask. 牛奶在瓶里晃荡作响.
(b) [Tn.pr, Tn.p] cause (liquid) to move noisily; splash 使(液体)晃动作响; 泼; 溅
*slosh the whitewash all over the floor 把粉刷涂料溅了一地板
* sloshing the water around in the pail 搅动桶里的水.
2 [Tn, Tn.pr] (Brit sl 俚) hit (sb) 打, 击(某人)
*slosh sb on the chin 打在某人的下颌上.
3 (phr v) slosh about/around (in sth) move around noisily in sth liquid 在液体中移动作响
*children sloshing about in puddles 在水坑里溅水玩的儿童. slosh sth onto sth put (paint, etc) on in a careless way 随便涂、抹、洒或泼(颜料等)
*sloshing whitewash on the wall 把粉刷涂料泼在墙上. =>Usage at spray2 用法见 spray2.


[Date: 1800-1900; Origin: Probably from slop + slush]
[I,T always + adverb/preposition]
if a liquid sloshes somewhere, or if you slosh it, it moves or is moved about in an uncontrolled way
slosh around/about
 Water was sloshing about in the bottom of the boat.
 He put the glass down hard and beer sloshed over the edge.
[T always + adverb/preposition]
to put a liquid in a container or on a surface in a careless way
 Jo sloshed more wine into her glass.
 Slosh a bit of paint on.
[I always + adverb/preposition]
to walk through water or mud in a noisy way
 People were sloshing around in the mud.