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small为小学词汇   词频:183


名词:smallness 形容词:smallish 形容词比较级:smaller 最高级:smallest

近义词, 同义词



/smɔ:l; smɔl/
1 not large in size, degree, number, value, etc (体积、程度、数量、价值等)小的, 少的
*a small house, town, room, audience, sum of money 小房子、小镇、小房间、少数听众、一小笔钱
* This hat is too small for me. 这帽子我戴太小.
* My influence over her is small, so she won't do as I say. 我对她起不了多大影响, 她不会按我的话去做. Cf 参看 big. =>Usage 见所附用法.
2 young 幼小的; 年幼的
*Would a small child know that? 小孩能懂这种事吗?
* I lived in the country when I was small. 我小时候住在乡下.
3 [usu attrib 通常作定语]
(a) not as big as sth else of the same kind (在同类事物中)较小的
*the small intestine 小肠.
(b) (of letters) not written or printed as capitals (capital1 2) (指字母)小写的.
4 [usu attrib 通常作定语] not doing things on a large scale 小规模的; 小范围的
*a small farmer, trader, shopkeeper, company, etc 小农场主、小本商人、小店主、小公司
* more help for small businesses 对小公司的较多帮助
* a small eater, ie a person who does not eat much 饭量小的人.
5 unimportant; trivial; slight 不重要的; 微不足道的; 微小的
*a small matter, change, mistake 小的事情、变化、错误
* There are only small differences between the two translations. 这两种翻译之间只有些细微的区别.
6 [attrib 作定语] (derog 贬) having a mean and petty attitude 小气的; 心胸狭窄的
*a very small man 心胸非常狭隘的人
* Only somebody with a small mind would have refused to help. 只有心胸狭窄的人才不肯帮助别人.
7 [attrib 作定语] (used with uncountable nouns 与不可数名词连用) little or no 些微的; 几乎没有的
*have small cause to be glad 没什么可高兴的
* He failed, and small wonder, ie it is not surprising. 他失败了, 这没什么奇怪.
8 (idm 习语) (be) grateful/thankful for small `mercies relieved that a bad situation is not worse 庆幸已然糟糕的情况并未更糟
*It may be cold but it's not raining -- let's be thankful for small mercies. 尽管天气很冷, 但没有下雨--应该知足了. great and small => great. in a big/small way => way1. it's a small `world (saying 谚) one is likely to meet, or hear about, sb one knows (however distantly) wherever one goes 世界可真小(无论走到哪里都可能碰到或听说到自己认识的人). look/feel `small be humiliated 感到羞愧
*You made me look so small, correcting me in front of everybody. 你当众纠正我的错误, 弄得我很难为情. no/little/small wonder => wonder n. small `beer (infml 口) person or thing of no great importance or value 重要性或价值不大的人或事物
*That grant was pretty small beer
*we shall need a lot more money. 这点补助金是杯水车薪, 我们需要的钱远比这些多. a small `fortune a lot of money 许多钱
*The car cost me a small fortune. 这辆汽车花了我很多钱. `small fry (infml 口) people thought to be unimportant (被认为)不重要的人. the `small hours period of time soon after midnight 午夜刚过的一段时间
*working until/into the small hours 工作到深夜. the small `print the parts of a legal document, contract, etc which are often printed in small type and contain important details that are easy to overlook 法律文件、契约等中常用小号字体印刷的部分(包括容易忽视的重要细节)
*The penalty clause was hidden in the small print. 惩罚条款印在不起眼的小号字体部分.
* Make sure you read all the small print before signing. 一定要先看清小号字体印刷部分再签字. the still small voice => still1.

1 into small pieces 成为小块
*chop the wood small 把木头劈成碎块.
2 of a small size 很小
*Don't draw the picture too small. 别把图画得太小.

1 smalls [pl] (Brit infml 口) small items of clothing, esp underwear 小件衣物(尤指内衣裤).
2 [sing] the slender part of sth (used esp in the phrase shown) 某物较细的部分(尤用于以下示例)
*the small of the back 背部最窄处.

ads / dAz; 9Adz/ (Brit infml 口) = classified advertisements (classify).

*Compare small and little. 试比较 small 和 little 这两个词. Small is the usual opposite of big or large. *small 是 big 和 large 常见的反义词. It has comparative and superlative forms and can be modified by adverbs such as `rather' *small 有比较级和最高级并可受 rather 一类副词修饰
*Our house is smaller than yours but I think the garden is bigger. 我们的房子比你们的小, 但花园比你们的大.
* I have a fairly small income. 我的收入相当微薄. The comparative and superlative forms of little are rare and it is not usually modified by adverbs. *little 的比较级和最高级形式很少见, 且 little 通常不受副词修饰. It is generally only used attributively, often following another adjective, to indicate an attitude of affection, dislike, amusement, etc *little一般只用作定语, 常置于另一形容词之後, 表示爱、厌恶、欢娱等
*He's a horrid little man. 他是个讨厌的家伙.
* What a lovely little house! 多漂亮的房子!
1. Even militarily weak and small nations have defied U. N. decisions with impunity.

2. Even now I often achieve the unconscious Zora of that small village, Eatonville.

3. Euro Disney officials said they expected to make a small profit for the financial year ending September 30.

4. By 12.01, those fluctuations will already have created small errors one foot away.

5. Bagrit foresaw a time when computers would be small enough to hold in the hand,

6. Before he retired, Frank was the head of a very large business company, but as a boy he used to work in a small shop.

7. But the nickel could slide around. And if it could slide around, it could slide out. So she constructed a small pocket that fastened to the inner sole.

8. It must be so small that present methods of psychiatric diagnosis cannot find it.
    这一定很小, 目前精神病的诊断方法还发现不了.

9. What I need is just a small room, not a mansion.
    我需要的只是一个小房间, 不是大厦。

10. We are your small classmates.
