

美音:[snıf ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[snıf ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
v.用力吸,嗅,闻到,发觉,轻视,用力吸气 n.吸,闻,吸气声,嗤之以鼻


sniff为短语/超纲词汇   词频:5418


名词:sniffer 动词过去式:sniffed 过去分词:sniffed 现在分词:sniffing 第三人称单数:sniffs 形容词:sniffable


inhale  scent  smell    


/snɪf; snɪf/
1 [I] draw air in through the nose so that there is a sound 鼻子吸气发出声音
*sniffing and trying not to weep 抽泣着而忍住不哭出声来
* They all had colds and were sniffing and sneezing. 他们都感冒了, 鼻子吸气有声而且还打喷嚏.
2 (a) [I, Ipr, Tn] ~ (at) sth draw air in through the nose as one breathes, esp to discover or enjoy the smell of sth (呼吸时)用鼻吸气(尤指为闻出某气味或因爱闻某气味)
*sniff the sea-air 呼吸海上的空气
* sniff (at) a rose 闻闻玫瑰花香
* The dog was sniffing (at) the lamp-post. 那条狗在灯柱旁嗅来嗅去.
(b) [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (up) draw sth up through the nose 用鼻子吸入某物
*sniff snuff 吸鼻烟
* He sniffed the vapour up (through his nose). 他(用鼻子)吸入蒸气.(c) [Tn] (infml 口) take (a dangerous drug) by breathing it in through the nose 用鼻子吸(毒品)
*sniff glue 吸胶毒.
3 [Tn] say (sth) in a self-pitying, complaining way 自己怜悯自己、抱怨地说(某事)
*`Nobody understands me,' he sniffed. `谁都不理解我,'他埋怨说.
4 (phr v) sniff at sth ignore or show contempt for sth 嗤之以鼻
*(infml 口) His generous offer is not to be sniffed at, ie should be considered seriously. 他的慷慨厚意不可嗤之以鼻. sniff sb out (infml 口) discover sb; find sb out 发现某人; 找出某人
*sniff out the culprit 发现犯人
* The police were determined to sniff out the ringleaders. 警方决心要找到匪首.

n act or sound of sniffing; breath (of air, etc) 用鼻孔吸气(声); 呼吸; 嗅; 闻
*tearful sniffs 含泪的抽泣
* get a sniff of sea air 呼吸一下海上的空气
* One sniff of this is enough to kill you. 此物闻一闻即足以致命.
* `I'm going,' she said with a sniff. `我要走了,'她抽了一下鼻子说.