

Son Of a Bitch ,畜生,狗娘养的




/sɒb; sɑb/
v (-bb-)
1 [I, Ipr] draw in breath noisily and irregularly from sorrow, pain, etc, esp while crying 啜泣; 抽噎
*We could hear the child sobbing in the other room. 我们听到那间屋子里的小孩在抽抽搭搭地哭着.
* She sobbed into her handkerchief. 她用手绢掩面啜泣. =>Usage at cry1 用法见cry1.
2 (idm 习语) cry/sob oneself to sleep => sleep1. sob one's `heart out cry bitterly with great emotion 哭得极伤心.
3 (phr v) sob sth out tell sth while sobbing 抽噎地说; 哭诉
*She sobbed out the story of her son's violent death. 她哭着诉说儿子横死的经过.

n act or sound of sobbing 啜泣(声); 抽噎(声)
*The child's sobs gradually died down. 那孩子的啜泣声渐渐静了下来.


v past tense and past participlesobbedpresent participlesobbing
[Date: 1100-1200; Origin: Perhaps from Dutch or Low German]
to cry noisily while breathing in short sudden bursts
 He began sobbing uncontrollably .
[T]alsosob out
to say something while you are sobbing
 'It's too late,' she sobbed.
 loud sobs
1. A sob rolled up in me.
