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socialist为高中词汇   词频:3694


soci=companion(同伴),to associate(结交)


/'səʊʃəlɪst; `soʃəlɪst/
(a) supporter of socialism 拥护社会主义的人; 社会主义者.
(b) member of a socialist party or movement 社会主义政党党员; 社会主义运动的成员. adj characterized by, supporting or relating to socialism 社会主义的; 拥护社会主义的; 有关社会主义的
*a Socialist Party 社会党
* socialist policies 社会主义的政策.
1. But at my first visit, when I saw him in his study in Maitland Park Road, he appeared before me, not as the untiring and incomparable socialist agitator, but as a man of learning.

2. We are racing against time to build up China into a powerful socialist country.

3. We have established socialist system.

4. All this fully demonstrates the incomparable superiority of the socialist system.

5. Socialist and capitalist countries coexist in the world.

6. From all parts of the civilized world Party comrades came to his study to consult the master of socialist thought.

7. For all its concern about foreign cultural invasion and its defense against the pollution of the French language by English words, France's Socialist government has been untroubled about putting such a huge American symbol on the doorstep of the capi
