





adj [attrib 作定语]
1 (of a meal) eaten while standing (指饭)站着吃的.
2 (of a comedian) giving a performance which consists of standing in front of an audience and telling a series of jokes (指喜剧演员)说单口相声的
*a stand-up comic 单口相声演员.
3 (of a fight, disagreement, etc) direct and violent (指打斗、争吵等)直接而激烈的
*I had a stand-up row with my boss today. 今天我跟上司大吵了一顿.
1. We communicate a great deal, researchers have found, with our bodies — by the way we move, sit, stand and what we do with our hands and heads.
    研究者发现,我们用形体进行着大量的交流 -- 通过我们移动、坐和站的方式,以及我们的手和头的动作。

2. The fire fighters enjoined the onlookers to stand clear.

3. The family could not stand the rigor of the long cold winter.

4. The sentry shouted , " Stand off , or I will shoot.

5. The continents form rugged tablelands which stand nearly three miles above the floor of the open ocean.
    大陆构成了崎岖不平的高地, 这些高地几乎高出广阔的海洋的洋底3英里.

6. The continents form rugged tablelands which stand nearly three miles above the floor of the open ocean.

7. Like adolescents they stand before the mirror, and still cannot fathom the exact outline of the vision before them.

8. This is a moving spectacle, for crowds of people stand on the shore watching the lanterns drifting away until they can be seen no more.

9. Try and stand up.

10. The teacher spanked him and made him stand in a corner. He was awfully (非常) fresh."
