

美音:[steıt ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[steıt ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.情形,状态,国家,政府,州 adj.国家的,国有的,国营的,州的,正式的,典礼用的 vt.声明,陈述,规定


state为中学词汇   词频:902


动词过去式:stated 过去分词:stated 现在分词:stating 第三人称单数:states


sist,stitut,sta,st=to stand(站立)

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/steɪt; stet/
1 [C] condition in which a person or thing is (in circumstances, appearance, mind, health, etc); quality of circumstances, characteristics, etc 状态; 状况; 情况; 情形
*The house was in a dirty state. 那房子很脏.
* These buildings are in a bad state of repair, ie need to be repaired. 这些建筑物亟待修葺.
* a confused state of mind 缭乱的心绪
* a poor state of health 健康欠佳
* in a state of undress, ie naked 赤身露体
* not in a fit state to drive 不适宜开车的身心状态
* a state of emergency, eg declared by a government because of war, natural disaster, etc 紧急状态(如政府宣布的)
* She was in a terrible state (ie very upset, agitated, etc) when we arrived. 我们抵达时, 她情绪很不好.
2 (also State)[C] country considered as an organized political communitycontrolled by one government; territory occupied by this 国; 国家; 领土
*the State of Israel 以色列国
* modern European states 现代的欧洲国家. =>Usage at country 用法见country.
3 (also State) [C] organized political community forming part of a country that is a federation or republic (联邦或共和国的)州, 邦
*How many States are there in the United States of America? 美国有多少州?
* Which state where you born in? 你是在哪个州出生的? Cf 参看 county, province 1.
4 (esp 尤作 the State)[U] civil government of a country 政府; 国家
*matters/affairs of state 国家大事[事务]
* Church and State 教会和政府
* railways run by the state/state-run railways 国营铁路
* Many believe the State should provide schools, homes and hospitals for everyone. 许多人认为国家应该为全民提供学校教育、住房以及医疗服务.
5 [U] ceremonial formality connected with high levels of government; pomp 国家级的礼仪; 盛观
*The Queen was in her robes of state. 女王穿着御礼袍.
* The President was driven in state through the streets. 总统在盛大的仪式中乘车从街上通过.
6 the States [pl] (infml 口) the United States of America 美国
*I've never been to the States. 我从来没去过美国.
7 (idm 习语) in/into a `state (infml 口)
(a) in/into an excited or agitated state of mind 处于[陷入]激动或焦躁的情绪中
*She got herself into a state about the exams. 她对这次考试心里很慌.
* He was in a real state when I last saw him. 我上次见到他时, 他很激动.
(b) dirty, neglected, untidy, etc (according to the context) 肮脏的, 没有妥善照管的, 凌乱的(视上下文而定)
*What a state this place is in! 这地方真乱哪! in a state of `nature (fml or joc 文或谑) completely naked 赤身露体; 一丝不挂. lie in state => lie2. a state of af`fairs circumstances or conditions; situation 情况; 局势
*What a shocking state of affairs! 局势真惊人哪! the state of `play
(a) score (esp in cricket) 分数(尤指板球运动中的).
(b) how opposite sides in a dispute stand in relation to one another 争论中各方的对立情况
*What is the latest state of play in the disarmament talks? 裁军谈判的最新情况怎么样?

/steɪt; stet/
1 [Tn, Tf, Tw] express (sth) in spoken or written words, esp carefully, fully and clearly 陈述或说明(某事)(尤指仔细、详尽而明确地)
*state one's views 说明自己的见解
* state the obvious, ie obvious facts, etc 陈述明显的事实
* He stated positively that he had never seen the man. 他肯定地说他从未见过那个男子.
* The document clearly states what is being planned. 这份文件把计画内容交代得清清楚楚. 2[Tn usu passive 通常用于被动语态] arrange, fix, or announce (sth) in advance; specify 预先安排、定下或宣布(某事); 规定; 确定
*at stated times/intervals 在规定的时间[间隔时间]
* You must work the hours stated. 你必须按规定的时间工作.
1. Everyone experiences this strange state and can take advantage of it.

2. Before proceedings, Churchill and Stalin agreed that Roosevelt, the only head of state, would preside at the first formal session.

3. But there is no question that if either party insists on bringing in a so-called "neutral" third party (usually some representative of the state or legal profession), not only will the process take longer, in many instances it will be more
    可是毫无疑问,如果任何一方坚持要有所谓 "中立"的第三方(通常是政府代表或者职业律师)介入,那不但会拖长决策过程,而且在很多时候,决策还会更加武断、更加不人道。

4. But they have provided no details about the state of security.

5. But the biggest information gatherer of them all is the Department of Motor Vehicles (汽车管理部门), or DMV, of each state, according to Garfinkel.

6. When he died at the age of eighty, the Florentines gave him a state funeral .

7. When he died at the age of eighty, the Florentines gave him a state funeral

8. Without it, nothing could ever be brought to a conclusion; everything would be in a state of chaos.

9. When she saw the state of his clothes, she became more determined than ever to make him work hard during the holiday on Saturday.

10. While clothing serves a purely practical function, how you dress also communicates many things about your social status, state of mind and even your aspirations and dreams.
