

n locomotive or engine driven by steam 蒸汽机车; 蒸汽机.
1. But until recently, the academic edge gained by participating in sports was thought to come from the increased self-confidence, the better mood, and the ability to concentrate that comes from burning off steam in exercise.

2. When water boils it turns into steam.

3. Why don´t you steam those lobsters with ginger and scallion now?
    你现在何不把那些龙虾和姜, 葱一起蒸呢?

4. We need to have our rotary engine repaired.

5. We felt sure that sooner or later a stone would rip a hole in our petrol tank or damage the engine.

6. That old engine is the archetype of modern locomotives.

7. They started the engine.

8. The steam escaped with a loud hissing noise.
    蒸汽发出很大的嘶嘶声冒了出 来.

9. The steam-engine piston makes a cyclic motion.

10. The engine works satisfactorily.
