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动词过去式:stoked 过去分词:stoked 现在分词:stoking 第三人称单数:stokes


/stəʊk; stok/
1 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ sth (up) (with sth) put (coal or some other fuel) on the fire of a furnace, an engine, etc (给熔炉、机车等)添加(煤或其他燃料)
*stoke the boiler with coal 给锅炉加煤.
2 (phr v)stoke up (with sth)
(a) stoke a fire, etc (往火里等)加煤, 加燃料
*The caretaker stokes up twice a day. 管理员每天往火里加两次煤.
(b) (infml 口) fill oneself with food; eat a lot 吃饱; 大吃
*You should stoke up now you may not get another meal today. 你现在得吃得饱饱的--你今天可能再没饭吃了.


v alsostoke up [T]
[Date: 1600-1700; Language: Dutch;Origin: stoken]
to add more coal or wood to a fire
 I stoked the furnace for the night.
to cause something to increase
 Rising oil prices stoked inflation.
stoke fear/anger/envy etc
 The scandal has stoked public outrage.
stoke upphr v
stoke sth⇔up
to add more coal or wood to a fire
 We kept the fire stoked up high on cold nights.
stoke up sth
if something stokes up fear, anger etc, it makes a lot of people feel frightened etc
 The leaflets stoked up fears of an invasion.
stoke up on/with sth
to eat a lot of food, for example because you will not eat again for a long time
 We stoked up on hot soup before going out in the snow.