

美音:[´stɔpıdʒ ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´stɔpıdʒ ]点这儿播放单词英音发声



近义词, 同义词


/'stɒpɪdʒ; `stɑpɪdʒ/
n [C]
1 interruption of work in a factory, etc, esp because of a strike 停工(尤指因罢工)
*another stoppage at the car plant 汽车厂的又一次罢工.
2 stoppages [pl] amount of money deducted by an employer from wages and salaries, for tax, national insurance, etc (工资薪金中用作纳税、购买国民保险等的)扣除款
*There's not much money left after stoppages. 工资中扣除税款等费用後所剩无几.
3 act of cancelling or withholding (payment, holidays, etc) 停止或取消(付款、假期等)
*stoppage of leave, eg in the army as a punishment 取消休假(如军队中的惩罚).
4 state of being blocked; blockage or obstruction 堵塞; 阻塞
*a stoppage in a gas pipe 煤气管道的堵塞.


a situation in which workers stop working for a short time as a protest
 time lost in disputes and stoppages
 a work stoppage by government employees
[U and C]especially BrE when something stops moving or happening
 We had five minutes of stoppage time (=extra time played in a sports match because of pauses) at the end of the first half.
something that blocks a tube or container
 an intestinal stoppage