

美音:[straıd ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
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v.大步走(过),跨过,大步行走 n.步幅


stride为短语/超纲词汇   词频:5061


动词过去式:strode 过去分词:stridden 现在分词:striding 第三人称单数:strides 名词:strider

近义词, 同义词


pace  step  walk    


/straɪd; straɪd/
v (pt strode, pp rarely stridden/ 5strIdn; `strIdn/ 过去分词作stridden, 罕用)
1 [Ipr, Ip] walk with long steps (in the specified direction) (朝某方向)大步行走
*stride along the road 沿路大步行走
* striding across the fields 大步走过田地
* She turned and strode off. 她转身迈着大步走了.
* striding out for (ie walking determinedly towards) the distant hills 大步流星向远处的山冈走去.
2 [Ipr] ~ across/over sth cross sth with one step 一步跨越某物
*stride over a ditch 跨过一条沟.

1 (distance covered by) one long step 大步; 跨一步(的距离)
*I was three strides from the door. 我距离那门有三大步远.
2 person's way of striding; gait (大步的)步法, 步态.
3 (idm 习语) get into one's stridesettle into a fast, confident and steady pace (of doing sth)开始加快速度、充满信心并稳健地(做某事)
*She found the job difficult at first, but now she's really getting into her stride. 起初她觉得这工作很难, 但现在已驾轻就熟了. make great, rapid, etc strides make good, fast, etc progress; improve quickly 进步很大、很快等
*Tom has made enormous strides in his maths this term. 汤姆本学期数学大有进步. take sth in one's stride accept and deal with sth without special effort 不特别费力地认同并处理某事物
*Some people find retiring difficult, but he has taken it all in his stride. 有的人觉得很难适应退休後的生活, 但他却能安之若素.
1. Be yourself. Many how-to books advise you to stride into a room and impress others with your qualities.

2. The child could not keep up with his father´s stride.
