

美音:[stʌk ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[stʌk ]点这儿播放单词英音发声



近义词, 同义词


pt, pp of stick2.

/stʌk; stʌk/
1 [pred 作表语] not able to move or continue doing sth 不能动; 不能继续做某事
*Help! I'm stuck in the mud! 救命啊! 我陷进泥里不能动了!
* We were stuck in a traffic jam for an hour. 我们因交通堵塞而受阻一个小时.
* I'm stuck on (ie unable to answer) the second question. 我在第二个问题上卡住了(不会回答).
2 [attrib 作定语] (of an animal) that has been stabbed or has had its throat cut (指动物)被刺的, 被割破咽喉的
*scream like a stuck pig 像宰猪似的尖叫.
3 [pred 作表语] ~ on sb (infml 口) very fond of sb 非常喜欢某人
*He's really stuck on his new girl-friend. 他可真爱这个新交的女朋友.
4 [pred 作表语] ~ with sb/sth (infml 口) having sb/sth one does not want 与不喜欢的某人[某事物]在一起
*I'm stuck with my sister for the whole day. 我一整天都让妹妹给缠住了.
* Why am I always stuck with the washing-up? 干吗总是要我洗餐具?
5 (idm 习语) get stuck in(to sth) (infml 口) start doing sth enthusiastically 积极地开始做某事
*Here's your food. Now get stuck in (ie start eating it)! 这是给你吃的. 快吃吧!
* We got stuck into the job immediately. 我们立刻动手干了起来.
1. But its economy is stuck in recession and it barely has the money to even scratch the surface of the problem.

2. The wheels stuck in the mud.

3. The sleet stuck to the branches of trees and reflected the light from the street lamps.

4. The sorry-looking, blackened figure that emerged, admitted at once that he had tried to break into the shop during the night but had got stuck in the chimney.

5. Tom´s mouth watered for the apple, but he stuck to his work.

6. Thailand is also turning to wireless, as a way to allow Thais to make better use of all the time they spend stuck in traffic.

7. He never looked as fashionable as Prince Albert, though; he continued to look like a poor, overweight, hard working colored man with too large a family, black, with a very white cigarette stuck in his mouth.

8. Drew spent two years creating a tape that stuck just enough. We know it now as masking tape.

9. An insolent boy stuck his tongue out at us.

10. At first the passengers joked about being stuck in the snow.
