

美音:[stʌd ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[stʌd ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.大头钉,钮扣,饰纽,柱头螺栓,马群 v.用饰纽装饰,散布




动词过去式:studded 过去分词:studded 现在分词:studding 第三人称单数:studs

近义词, 同义词

dependency  suspension  hanging  tail  train  pendulum  pendant  hook  nail  stud  tenterhook  fastening  spar  horse    


/stʌd; stʌd/
1 (a) small two-headed button-like device put through buttonholes to fasten a collar, shirt-front, etc (两端突起的)领扣, 饰钮(衬衫前面用的).
(b) piece of jewellery (esp an ear-ring) consisting of a precious stone, etc attached to a small bar (镶有宝石等并有一条小棍连着的)首饰; (尤指)耳环
*diamond studs in her ears 她耳朵上戴的钻石耳环.
2 (a) large-headed nail or knob (usu one of many) on the surface of sth (eg a gate or a shield) as an ornament 饰钉, 大头钉(如钉在门、盾等上的).
(b) small round knob on the sole of a shoe or boot, to allow it to grip better 鞋钉(鞋靴底部的, 用以增加附着力)
*the studs on a football boot 足球靴的靴钉.

v (-dd-) [Tn, Tn.pr usu passive 通常用于被动语态] ~ sth (with sth) decorate (a surface) with many studs, precious stones, etc 用许多饰钮、饰钉、宝石等装饰(某物表面)
*millions of stars studding the night sky 布满夜空的繁星
* a crown studded with jewels 镶满宝石的皇冠
* a sea studded with small islands 有许多小岛的大海.

/stʌd; stʌd/
1 (a) number of horses kept esp for breeding 一群马(尤指种马)
*[attrib 作定语] a stud mare 雌性种马.
(b) (also `stud-farm) place where such horses are kept 种马场.
2 ( infml 讳, 口) young man, esp one who is thought to be very active sexually and is regarded as a good sexual partner 小伙子(尤指性欲旺盛堪为性伴侣的).
3 (idm 习语) at `stud (of a stallion) available for breeding on payment of a fee (指牡马)供配种以收取费用的. put sth out to `stud keep (a horse) for breeding 为配种而饲养(马).