

美音:[sək´si:d ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[sək´si:d ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
vi.(~ in) 成功 v.继...之后,继任,继承,取得成功


succeed为高中词汇   词频:1740


名词:succeeder 动词过去式:succeeded 过去分词:succeeded 现在分词:succeeding 第三人称单数:succeeds 形容词:succedent


cede=to go(去),to yield(让步) 变化型 ceed,cess

近义词, 同义词


fail  unsuccessful    


/sək'si:d; sək`sid/
1 [I, Ipr] ~ (in sth/doing sth) do what one is trying to do; achieve thedesired end 成功; 做成; 达到目的
*The attack succeeded,and the fort was taken. 这次袭击成功, 拿下了堡垒.
* She's absolutely determined to succeed (in life). 她决心要实现自己的(人生)目的.
* (saying 谚) If at first you don't succeed, try, try again 若一次不成功, 要再接再厉.
* (ironic 反语) I tried to clean the watch, but only succeeded in breaking it. 我想把手表弄乾净, 结果却弄坏了. Cf 参看 fail 1.
2 [Tn] come next after (sb/sth) and take his/its place 接替(某人[某事物]); 继任
*Who succeeded Churchill (as Prime Minister)? 继邱吉尔出任(首相)的是谁?
* The silence was succeeded by the striking of a clock. 时钟鸣响声打破了寂静.
3 [I, Ipr] ~ (to sth) gain the right to (a title, property, etc) when sb dies 继承(头衔、财产等)
*When the king died, his eldest son succeeded (to the throne). 国王死後, 其长子继位.4 (idm 习语) ,nothing suc,ceeds like suc`cess (saying 谚) success often leads to further successes 一事成, 事事成
*I won the essay prize, then was offered a scholarship
*nothing succeeds like success! 我的作文得了奖, 接着就获得了奖学金, 真是一顺百顺!


[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Latin;Origin: succedere 'to go up, follow after, succeed', from sub- 'near' + cedere 'to go']
to do what you tried or wanted to do
 She wanted to be the first woman to climb Mount Everest, and she almost succeeded.
succeed in doing sth
 Scientists claim they have succeeded in finding a cure for cancer.
 Very few people succeed in losing weight and keeping it off.
to have the result or effect something was intended to have
 The drug therapy has not succeeded.
to do well in your job, especially because you have worked hard at it for a long time
succeed as
 I'm not sure he has the determination to succeed as an actor.
succeed in
 a woman who succeeded in politics
[I and T]
to be the next person to take a position or job after someone else
succeed sb as sth
 Reeves will succeed Segal as Speaker of the House.
succeed sb to the throne
(=to be the next king or queen after someone else)
 Who will succeed him to the throne?
to come after or replace something else, especially another product
 This car is intended to succeed the popular Fiesta.
nothing succeeds like success
used to say that success often leads to even greater success
only succeed in doing sth
used when someone does the opposite of what they intended to do
 It seems I've only succeeded in upsetting you.
HINT sense 1
Do not say 'succeed to do'. Say 'succeed in doing': She succeeded in persuading me (NOT succeeded to persuade me).

1. They attempted to flee but did not succeed.
    他想逃跑, 但是未遂。

2. There's intense pressure for kids to succeed.

3. The struggle to succeed in one of the world's most competitive societies is starting earlier and earlier, and is most evident in the growing popularity of special schools that train students during evenings and weekends to pass the examinations requi

4. His business acumen helped him to succeed where others had failed.
    凭着他那善于经营的才能, 别人搞不成的事他搞成了。

5. David Kimwell, 16, of Provo, Utah, agrees, "Kids are driven to cheat when there is pressure to succeed."

6. A good salesman must be aggressive if he wants to succeed.

7. She is a strong swimmer and many people feel that she is sure to succeed.

8. She´s absolutely determined to succeed (in life).

9. She is a strong swimmer and many people feel that she is sure to succeed.

10. Provided there is intelligence and a willingness to exert yourself, there is a place within the company to try and to succeed.
