

美音:[səg´dʒestʃən ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[səg´dʒestʃən ]点这儿播放单词英音发声


suggestion为高中词汇   词频:1810


ger=to carry(运,载) 变化型 gest

近义词, 同义词


/sə'dʒestʃən; [US] səg'dʒ-; səˇ`dʒɛstʃən/
1 [U] suggesting (suggest1) or being suggested 提议; 建议
*On/At your suggestion (ie Because you suggested it) I bought the more expensive model. 遵照你的建议, 我买了较贵的这种型号.
2 [C] ~ (that...) idea, plan, etc or person that is suggested 提议或建议的内容(主意、计画、人选等)
*I want suggestions about what to do today. 今天做什么, 我想听听有何意见.
* Janet was my first suggestion as chairperson. 珍妮特是我推荐可任主席的第一人选.
* There's no suggestion that she should resign, ie That would be completely unthinkable. 没有任何迹象显示她要辞职.
3 [C usu sing 通常作单数] slight amount (of sth that can be detected) 微量; 徵象
*speak English with the suggestion of a French accent 说英语稍带法国口音.
4 [U] putting an idea, etc into sb's mind through linking it to other ideas, pictures, etc 暗示; 联想
*Most advertisements work through suggestion. 广告多通过启发人的联想力而发挥作用.


an idea, plan, or possibility that someone mentions, or the act of mentioning it
 Any helpful suggestions would be welcome.
suggestion that
 the suggestion that houses should be built on this site
 May I make a suggestion ?
 Let me know if you have any suggestions .
 The committee is open to suggestions (=willing to listen to ideas) .
at sb's suggestion
 She took a seat at his suggestion.
[singular, U]
a sign or possibility of something
suggestion of
 There was never any suggestion of criminal involvement.
 The government have denied any suggestion of involvement in her death.
suggestion that
 There's some suggestion that the intruder was the same person that killed Angie.
a suggestion of sth
a slight amount of something
 There was just a suggestion of a smile on her face.
an indirect way of making you accept an idea, for example by hypnotism
 the power of suggestion
1. The warm wind is a suggestion of spring.

2. That sounds a silly suggestion,

3. Have you got an alternative suggestion?

4. He brightened at my suggestion.

5. He shrugged at my suggestion.

6. Her husband was surprised and delighted with the suggestion coming from her.

7. She made a suggestion in a very roundabout way.

8. I´m agreeable to your suggestion.

9. I´ll confer with the manager about your suggestion.

10. I integrated your suggestion with my plan.
