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suppress为短语/超纲词汇   词频:4665


形容词:suppressible 动词过去式:suppressed 过去分词:suppressed 现在分词:suppressing 第三人称单数:suppresses 名词:suppressant


press=to press(压)

近义词, 同义词



/sə'pres; sə`prɛs/
v [Tn]
1 put an end to (sth), esp by force; crush 制止(尤指凭藉武力); 镇压; 平定
*suppress an uprising, a revolt, etc 镇压起义、叛乱等.
2 (a) (usu derog 通常作贬义) prevent (sth) from being known or seen 防止(某事物)被人知道或看到; 查禁或禁止发表(某事物)
*suppress the truth about sth 隐瞒某事物的真相
* suppress a newspaper, ie prevent it from being published 查禁一家报纸
* Are the police suppressing some evidence? 警方是否隐瞒了一些证据?
* The dictator tried to suppress all criticism of him. 那独裁者竭力压制一切批评他的言论.
(b) prevent (esp one's feelings) from being expressed 抑制, 压抑(尤指感情)
*suppress one's anger, amusement, etc 抑制愤怒、欢娱等心情而不形于色
* He could scarcely suppress a laugh. 他忍不住要笑出声来.


v [T]
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Latin;Origin: , past participle of supprimere, from sub- ( SUB-) + premere 'to press']
to stop people from opposing the government, especially by using force
 The uprising was ruthlessly suppressed.
if important information or opinions are suppressed, people are prevented from knowing about them, even if they have a right to know
 The police were accused of suppressing evidence.
to stop yourself from showing your feelings
 Harry could scarcely suppress a smile.
 suppressed anger
to prevent something from growing or developing, or from working effectively
 The virus suppresses the body's immune system.
>suppression [sə'preʃən/