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surgery为短语/超纲词汇   词频:2848



近义词, 同义词


operation  medicine    


/'sɜ:dʒərɪ; `sɝdʒərɪ/
1 [U] treatment of injuries or diseases by cutting or removing parts of the body 外科; 手术
*qualified in surgery and medicine 内外 科合格的
* prepare the patient for surgery 给病人做术前准备
* He underwent open-heart surgery. 他接受了体外循环心脏手术.
* cosmetic surgery 美容外科.
2 (Brit)
(a) [C] place where a doctor, dentist, etc sees his patients (医师的)门诊处, 诊所.
(b) [U] time during which a doctor, etc is available to see patients at his surgery 门诊时间
*Surgery lasts from
9 am to
10 am. 门诊时间为上午9时至10时.
* [attrib 作定语] `surgery hours 门诊时间.
3 [C] (Brit infml 口) time when a Member of Parliament can be consulted by the people he represents (议员对选民的)接待时间
*She holds her surgery on Fridays at
6 pm. 她星期五下午6时接待选民.


[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French;Origin: cirurgie, from Latin, from Greek cheirourgia, from cheirourgos 'working with the hand', from cheir 'hand' + ergon 'work']
medical treatment in which a surgeon cuts open your body to repair or remove something inside
operationsurgery on
 She required surgery on her right knee.
surgery for
 emergency surgery for chest injuries
in surgery
 She was in surgery for two hours Thursday.
major/minor surgery
 major heart surgery
have/undergo surgery
 He underwent surgery to remove a blood clot.
cosmetic surgery, plastic surgery
[U]especially AmE the place where operations are done in a hospital
American Equivalent: operating roomBritish Equivalent: theatre
 Dr. Hanson is in surgery.
a place where a doctor or dentist gives treatment
American Equivalent: office
a regular period each day when people can see a doctor or dentist
American Equivalent: office hours
 Surgery is from 9am - 1pm on weekdays.
a special period of time when people can see a Member of Parliament to discuss problems
1. This boy came to be called the founder of modern scientific surgery.

2. They used to suffer for about 37 hours after surgery on average with a plastic tube as thick as a thumb running through their mouth or nose and down 11 inches of their throat.

3. Thanks to the team, the hospital stay of an open-heart surgery patient dropped from an average of nine days to seven days.

4. The hospitals had cut way back on the large amounts of pain-killing drugs usually given during and after surgery that were used primarily to control blood pressure, not pain.

5. They suffered no additional pain, awoke more aware, and the tube was removed quickly — sometimes six hours after surgery.

6. The team, led by a manager of breathing care, called the process "surgery light" because patients are kept just barely asleep rather than out cold.

7. The staff still refers to patients as "fresh hearts" because they arrive from surgery cold and pale.

8. Thus, a broken alarm clock in the movie The Pawnbroker became a "sick" patient undergoing surgery; boots were boiled in his film The Gold Rush and their soles eaten with salt and pepper like prime cuts of fish (the nails being removed like

9. Health care is better than ever. Medical research breakthroughs include finding tumors early, and saving lives through CAT scans and surgery.

10. "With their new post-surgery process, they have given themselves a greater ability to respond to health care reform."
