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suspicion为短语/超纲词汇   词频:3248


动词过去式:suspicioned 过去分词:suspicioned 现在分词:suspicioning 第三人称单数:suspicions 形容词:suspicional

近义词, 同义词


/sə'spɪʃn; sə`spɪʃən/
1 (a) [U] suspecting or being suspected 怀疑; 涉嫌
*regard sb with suspicion 怀疑某人
* He was arrested on suspicion of having stolen the money. 他因涉嫌偷那笔钱而被捕.
* Her behaviour aroused no suspicion. 她的举动未受怀疑.
* After a crime, suspicion naturally falls on the person who has a motive for it. 一罪案发生後, 有作案动机的人自然受到怀疑.
(b) [C] ~ (about sth/sb); ~ (that...) belief or feeling that sth is wrong, that sb has done wrong, etc 疑心; 疑忌; 猜疑
*I have a suspicion that she is not telling me the truth. 我疑心她没对我说实话.
* It appears to be genuine, but I have my suspicions (about it). 这看来好像是真的, 不过我(对此)有怀疑.
2 [sing] ~ (of sth) slight taste or amount 些许味道; 少量; 一点儿
*a suspicion of garlic in the stew 炖菜中的一点大蒜味
* a suspicion of sadness in her voice 她声音中的一丝悲伤.
3 (idm 习语) a,bove su`spicion too good, honest, etc to be suspected of wrongdoing 不受怀疑的
*Nobody who was near the scene of the crime is above suspicion. 在犯罪现场附近的人无不受到怀疑. under su`spicion suspected of wrongdoing 有嫌疑; 涉嫌.


[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Latin;Origin: suspicio, from suspicere; SUSPECT1]
[U and C]
a feeling you have that someone is probably guilty of doing something wrong or dishonest
 I can't say for definite who did it, but I certainly have my suspicions .
 Police suspicions were confirmed when the stolen property was found in his flat.
 I wondered how I could leave early without arousing anyone's suspicions .
on suspicion of (doing) sth
 She was arrested on suspicion of murder.
under suspicion
 He felt he was still under suspicion.
 Mitchell later came under suspicion of assaulting two young girls.
above/beyond suspicion
 She felt that she ought to be above suspicion (=so honest that no one could think that she had done anything wrong) .
[U and C]
a feeling that you do not trust someone
 She always treated us with suspicion .
 People moving into the area are often regarded with suspicion .
a feeling you have that something is true, especially something bad
suspicion (that)
 I have a suspicion that the local authority may be planning to close the school.
 She was left with a sneaking suspicion (=a small suspicion) that Steven was not telling the truth.
a suspicion of sth
formal a very small amount of something that you can only just see, hear, or taste
 I could see the faintest suspicion of a tear in her eyes.
1. The upper part of me that will show above the table will cause no suspicion in the waiter´s mind.

2. They stare at me with suspicion.

3. He was arrested on suspicion of having stolen the money.

4. He seated himself upon the bench beside her, without a suspicion that she might object to his presence.

5. Investigation exculpated him from the suspicion of having caused the accident.
