

美音:[sweı ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
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sway为短语/超纲词汇   词频:6297


副词:swayingly 名词:swayer 动词过去式:swayed 过去分词:swayed 现在分词:swaying 第三人称单数:sways

近义词, 同义词


affect  control  influence  lurch  move  persuade  pitch  prejudice  reel  rock  roll  rule  swing  toss    


/sweɪ; swe/
1 [I, Tn] (cause sth to) move or lean slowly from side to side (使某物)摇晃, 摇摆, 摆动
*trees swaying in the wind 在风中摇曳的树
* He swayed slightly, as if about to fall. 他身子一歪, 像要倒下.
* She swayed her hips seductively as she danced. 她跳舞时诱人地摆动着臀部.
2 [Tn] influence or change the opinions or actions of (sb) 影响或改变(某人)的观点或行动
*a speech that swayed many voters 影响众多选民的演说
* Your arguments won't sway her
*she's determined to leave. 你讲的道理说服不了她, 她已下定决心离开.

n [U]
1 swaying movement 摇晃; 摇摆; 摆动
*The sway of the ferry made him feel sick. 渡船摇摇晃晃, 他感到恶心.
2 (rhet 修辞) rule or control 统治; 支配
*people under the sway of Rome, ie ruled by Rome in ancient times 在罗马帝国统治下的人民.
3 (idm 习语) hold `sway (over sb/sth) (dated or rhet 旧或修辞) have the greatest power or influence; be dominant 有最大的权力或影响; 居于统治地位
*Among English playwrights, few would deny that Shakespeare holds sway. 在英国的戏剧作家中鲜有人能否认莎士比亚文学泰斗的地位.
1. The sudden movement of the door made it sway slightly and it gave me the impression that it was about to leap out at me.

2. Anthropology was by definiton impossible as long as these distinctions held sway over people´s minds.

3. Anthropology was by definition impossible, as long as these distinctions between ourselves and the primitive, ourselves and the barbarian, ourselves and the pagan, held sway over people´s minds.

4. It has long leaves that sway in the wind like slim fingers reaching to touch something.
    它那修长的树叶在风中摇动, 好象伸出纤细的手指去触摸什么东西似的.
