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tail为小学词汇   词频:2673


形容词:tailless 动词过去式:tailed 过去分词:tailed 现在分词:tailing 第三人称单数:tails

近义词, 同义词


back  end  follow  heel  pursue  rear  shadow  trail  head    


/teɪl; tel/
1 [C] movable part at the end of the body of a bird, an animal, a fish or a reptile 尾; 尾巴
*Dogs wag their tails when they are pleased. 狗一高兴就摇尾巴. =>illus at App
1 见附录1插图, page iii.
2 [C] thing like a tail in its shape or position 尾状物; 似尾的部位; 尾部
*the tail of a comet, a kite, an aircraft, a procession 彗星、风筝、飞机、行列的尾部.
3 [C] (dated infml 旧, 口) buttocks 屁股
*give sb a smack on the tail 打某人屁股一下.
4 [C] (infml 口) person following or watching sb (usu without being seen by him) 尾巴(跟踪者)
*put a tail on sb, ie tell sb to follow him 给某人安个尾巴(派某人跟踪他).
5 tails [pl] (also `tailcoat [C]) man's long coat, divided and tapered at the back, worn as part of formal dress at weddings, etc 燕尾服. Cf 参看 morning coat (morning).
6 tails [sing v] side of a coin without the head of a person on it, turned upwards after being tossed 文面(硬币没有人头像的一面). Cf 参看 heads(head1 5).
7 (idm 习语) have, etc one's tail betweenone's `legs (infml 口) be humiliated, dejected or defeated 夹着尾巴; 垂头丧气; 遭到失败. heads I win, tails you lose => head1. heads or tails? => head1. make head or tail of sth => head1. on sb's `tail following sb closely 紧跟某人. a sting in the tail => sting1. the tail wagging the `dog situation in which a minor part of sth is controlling or determining the course of the whole 尾巴摇狗(次要部分支配或决定全局). turn `tail run away from a fight, etc (从冲突等场合中)逃走, 逃跑
*As soon as they saw us coming they turned tail and ran. 他们一看见我们来了, 掉头就跑.

1 [Tn, Tn.pr] follow (sb) closely, esp to watch where he goes and what he does 跟踪(某人); 钉(某人)的梢
*He tailed the spy to his hotel. 他跟踪那间谍到他住的旅馆.
2 [Tn] remove the stalks of (fruit, etc) 除去(水果等)的柄、梗、蒂或把儿
*top and tail gooseberries 掐掉醋栗的尖儿和把儿.
3 (phr v) tail away; tail off
(a) become smaller, fewer, weaker, etc 变小; 变少; 变弱
*The number of tourists starts to tail off in October. 游客在十月份开始见少.
* The actor's voice tailed away as he forgot his lines. 那演员忘了台词, 说话的声音越来越小了.
(b) (of remarks, etc) end inconclusively (指言语等)不了了之
*His feeble excuses soon tailed off (into silence). 他的藉口站不住脚, 很快就没词儿了(不作声了).
(c) fall behind in a straggling line 散落在後面.
1. English tramps didn't sport tiny moustaches, huge pants or tail coats:

2. The sting of a wasp is in its tail.

3. The dog wagged his tail when he saw his master.

4. Here I was, at the tail end of my vacation after graduate school.

5. At last he got hold of the elephant´s tail.

6. Capture the fleeting. A good idea is like a rabbit. It runs by so fast, sometimes you see only its ears or tail.

7. It had a head like a horse, big blue eyes, shining silver skin, and a bright red tail.
