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近义词, 同义词

iron grip  fangs  teeth  claws  talons  nail  hook  tentacle  bond  clutches    


pl of tooth.


the plural of tooth
1. When he smiled he exposed a set of perfect white teeth.

2. The dentist could detect no decay in her teeth.
    牙医检查了她的牙, 未见有龋齿.

3. The wolves dismembered the deer´s dead body with their sharp teeth .

4. The air exploded in blinding lightning and colour, the rays shooting outward as in a child's drawing of the sun, and Kaz was flung to the ground so violently that her two front teeth broke off; she had sunk into unconsciousness.

5. The wolf's blood flowed into his mouth. He held the wolf with his teeth and killed it; then he fell on his back and slept.

6. Her teeth are so bad that she needs five extraction.
    她的牙齿坏得厉害, 需要拔去五颗。

7. He had a morsel of food caught between his teeth.

8. He has a mouthful of good teeth.

9. Her teeth protrude too far.

10. A big black dog went for the ball and when the lad tried to get his ball away, the dog went for him, bit his face and got its teeth in his arm.
