

美音:[´teləs´kəup ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
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n.望远镜 v.压缩




动词过去式:telescoped 过去分词:telescoped 现在分词:telescoping 第三人称单数:telescopes

近义词, 同义词


/'telɪskəʊp; `tɛlə,skop/
n optical instrument shaped like a tube, with lenses to make distant objects appear larger and nearer 望远镜.

1 [I, Tn] (cause sth to) becomeshorter by sliding overlapping sections inside one another(使某物)变短(叠缩在一起). =>illus 见插图.
2 [I, Tn] (cause sth to) become compressed forcibly (使某物)叠缩, 嵌入
*The first two carriages of the train (were) telescoped in the crash. 火车撞车时前两节车箱叠嵌在一起了.
3 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (into sth) condense sth so that it occupies less space or time 压缩某物使其少占空间或时间
*Three episodes have been telescoped into a single programme. 把三集的内容压缩成了一个节目.
1. Even a telescope in orbit round the earth, like the very successful Hubble telescope, would not be suitable because of the dust particles in our solar system.

2. But can we blame those who looked and failed to see what Galileo saw, if we remember that to use a telescope at the limit of its powers calls for long experience and intimate familiarity with one´s instrument?

3. Was the philosopher who refused to look through Galileo´s telescope more culpable than those who alleged that the spiral nebulae observed with Lord Rosse´s great telescope in the eighteen-forties were scratches left by the grinder?

4. The development of such a telescope will be one of the great astronomical projects of the twenty-first century.

5. The Hubble telescope was launched into space by NASA on April 20, 1990 at a cost of over a billion dollars.

6. NASA is now going to put the telescope right, so it will soon be sending up four astronauts to repair it.

7. He built a telescope through which he could study the skies.
    他造了一架望远镜, 使他能够研究太空.

8. He had been the first to turn a telescope to the sky, and he had seen there evidence enough to overthrow Aristotle and Ptolemy together.

9. At present, there is no telescope in existence that is capable of detecting the presence of life.

10. A telescope would have to be as far away as the planet Jupiter to look for life in outer space,
